Llama Del Rey

Character from an ‘80s underground comic book. You’re welcome.

Well of course they’d rather have their loved one.That goes without saying. But it doesn’t work that way IRL. All the city has to give is $$$ and an apology. Would you rather they got nothing except an “I’m sorry”?

I’m making a joke about homeopathy, which preaches that the more you dilute a substance, the more powerful it is. Which is insane.

The homeopaths were rescued after they were seen rolling around in a field near their hotel, gibbering incoherently.”

I once knew a homeopath who tried to commit suicide. He took an underdose.

I hope they didn’t try and flush it out of their systems by drinking water, it could only become more powerful.

They should have diluted it in water until there was statistically probably nothing but water left.

Usually in “Dance” genres, the protagonists are either professional dancers in the limelight/dancers struggling to make it/ or a really good dancer who realizes his or her potential by the en etc. Dancing is their career or they want it to be (at least one of the characters) or one dancer teaching a Basic and then

As one of “those people,” fuck you, Donald, you patronizing piece of shit

I’m sure there will be glitches to work out ( which they even said themselves) but I doubt they would have set up a texting system without someone qualified to intercept and act upon those texts. At any rate, they’re actually trying to do something positive unlike the majority of bands or people in general. It’s easy

Whenever you feel like you’re wasting time and money, just remember that Richard Feynman came up with his Nobel Prize-winning theory of electrodynamics while sitting in a strip club.

More hot topics for the crackerjacks at Vox:

Yeah Vox is full of bad journalism.

Vox has hired a number of Bright Young People—and is run by the Brightest Young People—and the house style seems to be, “Write as if you are an expert, in a tone assuming that everything one needs to know about a subject can be found in your article.” These Bright Young People may well be near-experts on one or two

Because the average reader doesn’t know about the Chinese wall between ad and editorial staff decisions. And will assume, wrongly, that Jezebel is being hypocritical by not running a pro-choice ad. And this will cause controversy that will (they hope) go viral and even spill over into the mainstream media, since the

Happens all the time :)

Maybe Vox should write an explainer about why it’s bad to let ad sales inject perceived editorial opinion into a publication.

I ain’t catholic, nor am I a fan of the church, but if the couple wants to keep the Bishop and his discretion out of it, they can always get married at city hall instead of, you know, have an representative of the church yoke them together spiritually as well as civilly.

The problem is that the Catholic church is fundamentally a hierarchical organization which vests ultimate spiritual power in the ordained officers of the church; the cardinals, the bishops, the parish priests, and so on. To remove that authority would render the Catholic church no more than just yet another Protestant

I know the “chill pope” thing is partly tongue-in-cheek, but I’m really starting to get sick of people buying into what is essentially a successful branding campaign and nothing more. These are desperate attempts to make the church seem a lot more welcoming and modern than it already is. If a woman was in an abusive