Llama Del Rey

I’ve actually read that closely aligned political values are a *really* good indicator of relationship success, so I would never start something with someone whose views I found gross. So, nope.

I like any kind of noodles, from super-thin vermicelli ones to ramen to udon ones. I think they all work in a stir fry! The order I would go in is: longer-to-cook veg (carrot, broccoli), then quick to cook veg (peas, spinach, mushrooms, bok choi), then noodles (about 1 min), then a sauce (ready-made or just soy sauce

When I can actually be bothered to leave the house, I like to do quick suppers like:

Seriously, convince him it’s a Soviet New Year’s Tree. Then you can follow my family’s tradition of going round to to the tree lots on Christmas Day and nabbing the biggest, fluffiest tree for free- the guys will often help you take it away, since it’s less for them to pack up the next day. ;-)

Uniqlo tend towards the tighter/tailored end, but they have a billion different fabrics and colours.

Can I ask, why don’t you celebrate Christmas? I say this because my backstory is: Russian atheist family, never did anything even slightly Christmassy, but we do New Year’s which still involves a tree, and presents, and all the cosy nonsense. Now that I live in the UK, Christmas feels way more secular than it did in

Hi all, what’s everyone cooking tonight? I’ve had a pretty dull culinary week because my anxiety has been a bitch, so it’s been takeaway sushi and instant noodles and soups mostly. So inspire me with your exciting recipes!

Jezebel death squad reporting here, you’ll get away with a warning this time because we are also very Pro Bacon.

Oh true, just geographically the two aren’t at all comparable. But there are definitely UK areas that are pretty cut off from trains (thanks rail privatisation!) and the trains are very expensive anyways, so the big city isn’t always as accessible as you’d think. No contest with rural Texas of course!

People in the UK do this a lot, and it puzzles me. As a midwesterner expat...yeah, I know I could live in the middle of Wales with sheep for company for cheap. That’s also not why I crossed an ocean! So leave me and my poor London friends alone.

I think it depends a lot on the size of the house and the number of occupants. If I had a big house, I would want lots of separate cosy spaces. But I share a 500sq ft one-bedroom flat with my partner, and having an open plan kitchen/lounge is the ONLY way of making it work. Instead of two tiny rooms, I get one big

My entirely unscientific guess would be that it’s something to do with the paranoia that sets in from smoking WAY too much weed. All the people I know who believe this nonsense are furious stoners.

I’m 22, so the whole high school experience isn’t that far in my past. The NHS did not count for *shit* when it came to college applications, trust me on that. I spent all of high school under such enormous pressure to do MORE than just get great grades, but at the end of the day, the people reading applications want

I have a bad cold right now, so this is all definitely going to be part of my fever dreams tonight.

I’m pretty squicked out by the final statement, with the actual Prime Minister offering the beauty queens to Harry like a selection of after-dinner mints. I can imagine Trump saying the exact same thing to visiting dignitaries...

As a Londoner, this made me laugh. Can’t say Chancery Lane, Hanger Lane, York Way, or (my fave) Avenue Road fit these conventions especially well...

I love her so much, can’t wait to get started on this. I read NW on a whim when I’d just moved to London and it felt like a bittersweet love letter to my new city, absolutely changed me.

Dismiss is your friend! :-)

This salad looks horrific, but Bobby’s glasses are giving me liiiiife!

This is just more motivation for me to stop putting off my contract law reading and become a kick-ass female professional myself!