Some people can dig up great music like magic, or have friends inside the industry who keep them updated. Others are…
Some people can dig up great music like magic, or have friends inside the industry who keep them updated. Others are…
People just shouldn’t do this with non blood relatives.
Thank you for this.
Funnily enough I just started rewatching Scrubs and I forgot this is literally in the first few minutes of the show when they introduce Turk and explain at least 2 of these rules fairly concisely. Funny how most of the rules are simply “don’t go being a twat now” and yet most White people can’t even manage that.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. ...
Saudi Arabia is looking to end its 35-year cinema ban, and the film chosen to break down that particular wall is, of…
YAS! My fave!
The suburbs gets red real quick outside the cities in the South in particular. It’s one of the really notable things about politics in Georgia. It’s why Ossoff got oh-so-close but couldn’t finish the deal, even with all that money. The only place in the North that approximates this phenomenon is suburban Milwaukee.
I was sort of in the same boat. My mom went to a community college near home. So did my older sister. I was the first in my family to attend a 4 year college. But I didn’t ask for advice nor received any about which to choose that I remember.
I kind of agree. I can see the “college experience’s” merits, but it blows my mind that things like LOCATION are just ignored by so many people. Sometimes you just gotta go home for a weekend, whether it’s to maintain connections with family/younger siblings, cry out a breakup in peace, or just take a break from your…
You are beautiful.
I’ve never cared for the HBCU vs PWI arguments, but always choose what is best for you. When I was looking at schools all I cared about was getting my degree so I can have a career and better life than the one I grew up in. I never once thought about or yearned for the “college experience”. I was more concerned with…
I love everything about this. My son is 13 and we are just now discussing college options. I attended a private PWI, and although I enjoyed my experience and made many lifelong friends, time and distance from my 20s have sharpened the experience to its truths: I frequently felt out of place in college and out of it; I…
Junior just can’t see the logical next step to his arguments that he’s making.
It’s impersonal because it can be incredibly insincere. It’s like a crafted cover letter or marketing ad copy meant as a Call To Action rather than an attempt to get to know someone a little better. If the profile specifically says ‘here’s stuff about me, now ask me out’ that’s one thing, but it’s very impersonal and…
He’s also given the “If you talk too much before meeting, the excitement fizzles” advice before, and that’s really only true for a specific kind of personality. As a woman, a guy could be super physically attractive, but I need to get sense of familiarity with his personality before I can decide If I, personally, find…
I’m usually cool with your advice, but not this time. I think you should have at least one successful back-and-forth before seeking a date. And pick a date, time and place without my input? Yuck. I’m looking to have equality in my modern-day relationship, so it should probably start off that way.
As a woman, this type of message would skeeve me the f- out. It comes across as way too aggressive/desperate/impersonal and frankly kind of scary. Like, I want to at least get a baseline for you and a general sense you’re not a serial killer before agreeing to meet somewhere. I have no reason to believe that your…
So she was trying to mind someone else’s business and had to catch them hands?