
And if it’s so fine and dandy, why don’t we see these men making the same offers for their female bosses or supervisors? Because they know that shit will get them fired, and the women they pick are doing their best (as we’ve been trained) not to make a scene and/or hurt their feelings.

I’m like this with so many things. I feel very passionately about some things, and couldn’t care less about others. Drives my husband crazy sometimes. He’d ask if I wanted Chinese or Italian for dinner, and I’d say “I don’t care.” To me, that meant he could pick either if he felt more like having one or the other. To


“It is not reflective of who I am.” YES IT IS. I’m so sick of that lie/copout. This isn’t who I am. BUT IT IS, THO.

14 days!? Oh my God.. I’m so sorry. I had it in 2011 for 3 days and still remember how just the touch of a sheet on my skin made me want to pass out from the ache. I dropped the TV remote while laid out on the couch, and that’s how I ended up held hostage to an NICS marathon for the next 12 hours (until my neighbor

Show him (the MAN) that you’re ‘marriage material,’ aka learn to cook/bake, be okay with whatever he wants to do, and happily do most of the work. Fuck that. I married a guy who cooks better than I do (and I’m pretty good), cleans the litter box without my asking, and scrubs the goddamned tub (I haaaaate scrubbing

I sea(gull) what you did there!

UzBeckyStan. I’m dead. Thank you for this. Dead dead dead.

I’m from New England and people absolutely refer to themselves, or see themselves, as white. I used to think that all the racists were in the South, too, but hell damn ass kings was I wrong. And I’m exhausted as hell pushing back on my racist cousins who feel super entitled to show their racism (disguised as rabid

All the Nopes.

I’m fine with cheap cracker rather than bitch. Can we not move past gendered insults yet?

And it’s likely she’ll have another kid or two with him before being able to see him for what he is (if ever). Uggggggh. Those poor kids.

I visited her Twitter page. Trump supporting/Jesus loving Mom.

Holy SHIT. I am horrified by BOTH of their reactions. Jesus H tap-dancing Christ.

Vern!!! I miss him.

It’s not as if she were (edit: dammit) in some magical transportation device that could whisk her away to safety....

I just saw one this weekend in my town (on LI) and had to google as well. JFC.

My family friend (who’s an evangelical pastor in Maine) posted this. I couldn’t stop myself from correcting her. Goddammit, I will be that annoying ‘librul’ who keeps correcting this bullshit.

I thought that was Melissa Rivers!!

Wow!! (Slow clap)