You and people like you are the reason I come to gizmodo comment sections. Keep up the good work.
You and people like you are the reason I come to gizmodo comment sections. Keep up the good work.
I don’t think you understand how violence in prison works. The professionally trained fighter is going to be the one enacting the violence on others.
For some reason this post made my day.
I see this story and raise you.
I am sitting here wondering how you have an on going feud with a police officer. Like how does that even work?
I highly doubt this is true. I would demand dates.
Don’t like it don’t click it just like all the shitty articles that get posted here.
Since they determined that facts never line up with their opinion of how things should be.
No it doesn’t.
The hidden ball trick never works.
Honestly this sounds amazing.
Its funny they haven’t figured out people don’t like this shit. Their rankings are tanking on every site but they wont stop!
I love how people here are giving motives to all these people beyond I don’t want my kid on the buss at 7 am and getting home at 5:30 pm.
Out of all those people I would have expected Kelso to be the serial rapist. Shocking turn of events.
I love looking at charts that show Gizmodo media groups page views are falling off a cliff.
Its a piece of pie which is far superior to your cake.
One guy was gone for referring to my genitals as “down there”
Right! Its just a box people!