
Think about baseball, think about baseball, think about baseball, ...

Would absolutely love LeBron to Golden State. The tears would be delicious before I died from too much sodium intake.

True landlane service also still exists....Landline service will keep working during a power outage indefinitely

Erin and Leah’s sentences of 71 and 68 months, respectively, may appear extreme for ripping off one of the most valuable companies on earth

Extreme? Because the victim (corporation in this case) is worth a lot? I don’t think so. Does that logic mean murderers of wealthy individuals should get more lenient sentences than those who murder regular people?

Lot’s of intelligent discussion happening here... Every employer, irrespective of industry, has the right to safeguard revenue and create a safe work environment for their employees and clients by creating a code of conduct for their employers. I’m a management consultant, I would be fired immediately if I used client

There’s also the matter of the guy who reached out to pull the glass in. Earlier in the video you see he’s not strapped to anything. Guy’s lucky he didn’t have a better grip on that cable because he could easily have pulled off the roof.

Redundant strapping and clearance area at the bottom (looks like there’s a guy down there filming, hope he got out of the way) for a start.

why can they get fucked? she literally said herself, on letterman, she doesnt compare to the men.

So many eagles!

It’s the rule! If you want to change the rule, that’s great and I support it. But this is the rule, applied correctly. There’s nothing racist or sexist about it. Justine Henin, the whitest woman ever, had the same thing when she had a kid.

NFL: Here,this is our new anthem policy to remind you that we are the best at lacking common sense and dignity

This is one of the dumbest takes I’ve read here. Sportswriters just in it for the free tickets? Take a fucking seat, jabroni.

We must got to very different Home Depots. I’ve never got that impression. Always got positive vibes.

Behold, a flock of dinosaur-sized turkeys!

ABC made it too much about the human interest stories behind the robots. I just wanna see some Robots fighting, not 45 min of heartfelt stories with 10 min of robot carnage. I feel like people are overthinking this.

Turn based games, my friend. All of the challenge, but the game only advances when you’re good and ready to end your turn

So when can we expect to stop seeing all those Kinja deals with Amazon affiliate links where Gizmodo Media gets a cut of sales? Cuz you know, kind of two faced to denounce and crap on a company while simultaneously profiting from same said organization.

Translate to American, that really got me lol.

Never trust anybody about anybody else, former lover, or not.