
Forget the Tuatara, I want a Capybara!

I will fight you.

I wish these were articles, instead of videos.

That’s the same as saying that they should more than double the volume of the battery, making the phone larger. Did you know that hearing aid batteries don’t last very long? Perhaps they should make hearing aids large enough for lantern batteries so they last a couple of years.


Dude, you know those stories you wrote about the old man in Michigan who is being forced to sell his cars by the town because it’s an illegal junkyard? This is how that happens.

I’m contemplating just accepting defeat in TAB. “Oh, hey, I’m doing okay. This might be it. I might at least make it to the end.” And that’s when a wave of fatties rolls you on day 60 or 70. I still haven’t actually produced a unit from an engineering bay.

I really want to play Witcher 3, but the 100+ hour completion time has me paralyzed.

As a guy I admit I’m horrible at texting.

Goddamn you people are crazy.

Yeah, but they weren’t playing him. This is the most unnecessary pile on in Pittsburgh since Primanti’s put fries on my sandwich.

she did it without mentioning it to the building’s owner or asking permission of anyone, because that’s how you paint a giant, neon cock!

Somebody lying...

Only $199,000 in a decade? Highly unlikely.

Have you ever had cactus pears? Those fuckers are delicious. Like a kiwi without the tartness. And about 80 seeds.

Spirtuality is about embracing mental illness as acceptable. It’s diametrically opposed to curing people of their ills.

Yep. This is basically trading in one dumb idea with another series of dumb ideas.

“Weaved within the movements for black lives are spiritual and ritualistic resources such as reiki, acupuncture, sage, and herbal tinctures to increase self-care and tend to grief and trauma.”