
1) When I read the title to the article I was hoping it was you.

Reading children posting about how bad things from their thousand dollar iPhones is fucking hilarious.

If you have write a 500 word essay on why you feel like something is racist it isn’t racist.

I think it looks fantastic. But then again I don’t live in a shit hole city.

In a high school hockey game someone attacked me without a helmet on while we were going through the hand shake. He had already dropped his gloves so he was punching my cage with his bare hand. Not sure what he was expecting to happen.

Hes on a whole different level. That dude tries to give guys career ending injuries. At least those other guys are just hitting guys in the balls.


Na, liberals will smash the stores that sell them.

“While Patrick never won a top-level championship”

I wonder who they are going to cast to replace her.

Holy shit I never noticed how much he looks like a troll before.

I’m a man and I wish I could run half as good as her. Its frustrating to know people are assholes no matter where you go.

Bloggers. The word you are looking for is Jezebel is full of bloggers not journalists.

I never doubted you but I am forever in the greys for holding dissenting opinions about things.

He should have pronounced his comma more clearly.

Wow only 6 years and people have forgotten how much of an asshole Steve Jobs was.

How shocking the worst 2 percent of employees are the ones calling for a union. Nothing like that ever happens.

The UAW attempts to destroy anything that doesnt make it money.

4 minorities out 14 is 28.57 percent. White people are 73.6% of the total population of the country. The only problem with those numbers are the amount of women.

Guess what!