
We were right!

We were right!!

I was right!!!

Hell yeah. I would have sucked up those free paychecks then retired the minute they expected me to start taking hits.

Fuck playing meaningful football. I would have sucked up that free money then just retired when they expected me to actually start getting hit.

Sorry man I am not trying to memorize ever single map for every game I play. Minimap4lyfe

No. Stop being dumb.

I was thinking more along the lines of setting themselves a drift and then ditching their communications gear once it was clear that they were spotted well before their food supplies were in danger.

I figured that guy was going to shoot forward about 10 yards when that other guy let go.

It hit Lavar Balls ego.

Also a guy drifted that route in a boat in 3 months and made it to Japan. Its one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world.

Honestly it sounds staged as fuck to me. Who stocks up on a years worth of food but not a 500 dollar EPIBR.

This is bullshit since shes playing from the same tees.

It can carry 600 lbs and probably drive faster than you can run. Who needs to hit someone with a gun when you can run them over with a ~800 lbs vehicle.

I seem to remember a certain server that was wiped during a criminal investigation that people didnt care about. Where did read about that again?

You are using him scoring against the worst team in basketball as a reason hes going to start scoring soon? Okkkkkkay.

Pileated woodpecker’s don’t migrate.

Hopefully they return her to Mexico via catapult.

Its funny how fast she wanted to rip that baby out when she found out she was going back to Mexico.

Funny how fast she wanted to rip that baby out when she found out she was going back to mexico.