
Its locked in its holster or whatever you want to call it.

On behalf of the republican party I would like to thank you. Nothing drives our voters to the polls like hateful liberals.

A state of emergency for a warehouse fire thats already put out?

Go back to your safe space you pussy.

Cracks me up how woefully unprepared you were.

Ballistics have proven that story false.

They have a permit from the department of the interior for the drilling so they plan to just ignore the Army Corps of Engineers.

FYI the pipeline is 90 percent done and the company says they already have all the nessicary permits to drill. They are planning on ignoring the Army Corps of Engineers and to complete the pipeline and to fight it out in court.

Because the administration orginally gave permission to build it.

The pipeline is already 90 percent built. This is going to be a tiny delay while the oil company sues the ever living shit out of the US government for approving the plans then changing them after they were almost done with construction.

Enjoy it while it lasts. The pipeline is already 90 percent completed. They will just move it further up river from where it was going to cross into rougher terrain where people can’t protest it.

I don’t think people understand that this pipeline is already 90 percent built. There is literally nothing they can do to stop its completion. Its going to happen and its going to go under the river somewhere.

The pipeline is already 90 percent built. They did not block the pipeline. This will be a tiny delay while they figure out how remote they need to move the river crossing so people can’t get out there to protest.

Give me a break you whiny little shit. They were killing civilians the whole time Obama was in office and they continue to kill civilians while hes still in office. Blaming this on Trump just shows the mental gymnastics you go through to try to thing your liberal president is some how better.

I hate to be the one to break it to you but Santa is not real.

Go away already, kid.

Im glad you are done becuase you have been spewing misinformation with every post.

Learn to read!

Love how you all the sudden move the goal posts when you relize you have been talking out of your ass.