
someone should make a Lion King-esque photorealistic mod for Crash Bandicoot.

enter the PC gaming market with Playstation branding first, Sony branding second, and Vaio branding never.

hi. you don’t know me, but my name is Elon Smith, and i just wanted to make sure that you were telling Elon Musk to eat a dick, and not me, Elon Smith. right? i’ll accept that i’m a weirdo.” just sounds too ominous. they should have compromised and gone with the much funnier sounding “”

this is why Spongebob is a diety today.

yes! fuck social media! take my star! now, how can i like this comment even more? can i share it? they should make a website where people can just type out what’s on their mind so that other people can... oh shit.

For some reason DC Movies and TV are really invested in having their heroes really HATE being heroes, and its baffling to me.

if you have ever thought “there should be a live action Young Justice” then you might find parts of Titans intriguing.

oh shit, i thought there was more on the chopping block, but the answer toe the question of “what’s still happening?” seems to be “everything but Batgirl and Strange Adventures.”

1.5M units at $2,000. they’re shooting to pull in $3B out the gate. then again apple’s worth $2.6T.

is Europe generally less litigious than the US? over here they don’t want you to kill yourself because they don’t want to get blamed.

relatively yes. reality TV is much smaller and cheaper to produce than scripted dramas. but there are writers, editors, and whole crews for reality shows too. 

as someone who barely skims the article and goes straight to the comments, you just killed my boner.

80's nostalgia is over. too late. best to wait a few years until we get to late 2000's nostalgia, and be at the forefront of 80's nostalgia v2.

out of anyone in the cast, Lupita seems like the logical choice to center a franchise around. 

there are nice subtleties with those costume designs that i appreciate.

this screenshot appears to be recreating the intro scene from Civil War with Norman instead of Tony.

this is next level, post-nostalgia nostalgia. they’re remaking something from the 60's and focusing on the camp, but not to remind you of the original 60's property, but instead to remind you of the crappy remakes of 60's properties made in the 90's/2000's.

Solo could have been an animated movie and it would have avoided so much unnecessary criticism.

Bruce Banner enters the room: