but Jax’s arms are metal AF.
but Jax’s arms are metal AF.
but my toaster’s still fine, right?
interestingly, i just saw the problem with AI colorization this morning on reddit. never really heard about the topics before today:
folding screen laptop?
FatWS takes place shortly after the the second snap. there’s going to be chaos after any global change like that. we don’t have any stories that take place immediately after the first snap. we’ve only seen the world after ~5 years of recovery. i’m sure that first year was shaky as hell (just think about April 2020 VS…
thanks. i’ve mixed up all of these movies all in my head. you’re absolutely right.
i’m nervous about this upcoming Indiana Jones soft reboot. you know, the one where they’re rebooting Indy into an crotchety old man.
the last one? you mean “Jigsaw”? the Jigsaw origin movie? yeah they made him the hero in that one.
this feels correct. and in science, and you know what they always say in science, go with your gut.
well we know that the MCU is currently working on a new Deadpool, and you can bet that he’ll make a reference to the multiverse and the FoX-Men, so that would be the perfect time to have a Channing Tatum cameo as Gambit.
you gotta start sleeping on your back in an elevated position.
i would have guessed sleep plays a role in all of this. congestion --> bad sleep --> brain effects.
T’Challa didn’t learn that lesson until the very end. his plan the whole movie was to “kill him myself”. either way, heroes bringing in the bad guys instead of killing them? i have no idea what you’re talking about. i’m a Snyder Cut kind of guy :)
part of me is suspicious that the coverage of Russell’s “online hate” is being perpetuated by Disney as way to indirectly promote the show. but i’m on the internet a lot. so...
i get the comparison, two superhero scenes released around the same time. we can make the point of which one resonates better with the public at this current point in time, but i think it’s unfair to judge one as objectively better than the other. they’re different. we’re comparing chocolate ice cream to hot cocoa.…
“you know he dead.”
tbf, Bucky didn’t die in that fight, so not the same thing. maybe if Lemar wasn’t killed, but just hurt, Walker would have restrained himself better. oh yeah, and Steve spared Iron Man, not some terrorist.
i think you’re reading a little too much into it. they had to linger on his death to motivate what happens next.
“not my cap”. at first i thought it was just a meme, like, lol they’re taking it seriously. but apparently some people actually are taking it seriously.
one could say that the (classic) serum maxes out your body’s physical potential. people could be at different levels of max potential prior to the serum, but all level off around the same point. so not everyone would grow a foot. Steve was likely malnourished and sickly as a kid, stunting his growth.