
Thank you - well-stated.

Srsly, would not be surprised if Kevin made a comeback

Who really cares whether you are behind it? Most ppl do care about others being complicit — especially if you have suffered from sexual abuse

Yes! Love it. Also might appreciate if Claire got together with Patricia Clarkson’s character and killed off Frank so they could rule together instead. Frank knew he was screwed anyway at the end of 5.

Yes - I am in NYC, and Iranian-American. Likewise am worried.

Yeah I’m with you. She’s a new mom basically running her own business - that’s a lot.

It was wonderful acting - if you know anything about acting, or being a human.

Who is that?! What a face!

You’re right - it wasn’t good, it was great.

She’ll fire someone?

I know what u mean! I can’t get that picture of the possum who was shivering on the bridge out of my head. I hope they saved him/her bc I couldn’t find out when I researched it. Does anyone know?

ACOA meetings ;) and they she have AC (adult children of alcoholics And Dysfunctional families)

Why? 666 sounds perfect

I have been down this road as I am not a normie - in retrospect I wish I had gotten out right away. No, actually I wish I had NEVER taken that job. That being said, since you work remotely I might suggest working somewhere cool? Like a dog/cat cafe, or friendly co-working space where you could meet cool new ppl? Also,

U r amazing. I bet your hair is cute too.

What kind of dog do you have? I’m trying to figure out what kind I want and yours is adorable

She’s my model for aging gracefully

I can’t stand the “boho luxe” thing that seems to be happening at Burning Man now. Or, any other other fashionista terms/happenings (except fashion week).

Spiced feels like so long ago...