
No sunblock.


Maybe people should learn more with so much at stake. Knowledge matters, and it’s available so readily. Go to the library, use Google; it’s easy.

Welcome to Hollywood, baby.

Yes haha, but there was a camera involved, and the children were told to lie (aka ACTING). I mean she didn’t sneak up on kids with a hidden camera in the slums with a pocketful of dough.

Maybe he’s got a movie coming out too and this is all just PR bs



Yeah Trump should’ve gone into fashion

Good analogy - what’s a Kardashian ?

I don’t understand ppls interest in her

Yup. “Raised on the right” is more like it.

I know someone named Sir. He’s not a douche and it suits him.

Being white can blind you to racism though - it shouldn’t but often does.

Omg thank you -

He’s not the only president who she have stuck with “art”.


Probably his wife. I assume he’s still with Rebecca Miller? You know, of THE Millers?