
Lavender iced tea is wonderful

You mean like the one you coined (GTFOY)? That sure was catchy ;)


Yes, that pissed me off as well. Religions in general don’t treat women v well, at any rate.

Srsly. I know someone who looks like Barb and she’s just as annoying.

Oh please, he’d figure something out.

These people are mentally ill, and violent - it’s not a dodge, it’s not stupid, it’s a fact. If we want to make the world safer the way to go about it isn’t to police what people say, or write, its a number of other things, including gun control.

Yes! Fuck the argument that we shouldn’t give people “ideas” it’s bs.

Agree wth you. I don’t think Katy Perry (or her stylist) gets it.


Yeah thank you. Felt uncomfortable admitting it as well. Didn’t see the movie but she was great in Gossip Girl - she’s actually a good actor

Thank you - I was raised Muslim. The ignorance regarding this faith by ppl who turn a blind eye to all done in the name of Christianity is so disheartening.

New to this - do you mean “dismiss” as in flag? Thks

Ppl are legitimately fighting very important battles here (healthcare, the climate crisis, education, just to name a very few things Trump and his swamp threaten.) I’m sorry you don’t see that - it seems it’s your narcissism in the way, not anyone else’s.

He just switched venues - he actually emailed his supporters yesterday w/a bunch of bullshit. (Cher tweeted about it, can’t seem to upload it.)

Does he read/follow anyone in particular that you are aware of presently? Just curious

Yes, it helps that aside from not being very bright, his supporters are pros at getting it twisted. They deny and project at every turn.

Can we get G Paltrow in on this? It’s always kind of bugged me that she started Goop bc her friends always asked her for rec’s and she thought “all the girls would like it”.
