
As a senior manager, if one of my employees initiated and pursued sexual relations with me, that would not absolve me of my responsibility to not take advantage of the situation. The dynamic between us inherently puts the onus on me to act responsibly and professionally even when the other individual isn’t respecting

Stopped reading at “to make yourself famous?”

Remember when Monica Lewinsky thought she was going to be appointed to the Supreme Court?

As there were a number of them, was he trying to get them to “mass debate” him?

Yeah uh we use pig heart parts in human heart transplants because their bodies are so similar to ours. Why draw the line at dogs? What about horses? Cats? Rodents? Birds? Fish? Those are all animals people keep as pets. As are pigs, sheep, goats, cows, deer etc etc. What makes dogs so different? If eating any meat is

You could argue the same for any kind of meat. It’s funny how different societies arbitrarily see some kinds of meat as okay and others as not. A friend of mine was horrified when I told her that one of my grandfathers farmed rabbits for meat. There are Peruvian paintings of the last supper where one of the dishes is

I wonder how Americans would feel if a bunch of Hindus came to their country protesting the eating of beef.

It is hypocritical for us to arbitrarily care so much more for dogs in these horrible intensive farming situations, than we do for the pigs and cows and chickens, who feel just as much pain, in farms here at home. That being said, I cannot WAIT to see Game Changers - the movie.

Weirdly enough, not long after I got into snail products, I found a giant snail (okay, a slug) on my bed.

I’m teaching my kid to say FUCK BOOTLICKERS so yeah if she read a senator for filth she’d probably have Christmas in February.

I didn’t realize how fucking delicious it would be to see Marco Rubio getting ripped a new one by his constituents, especially the teenage constituents. I literally swelled up with pride when watching them challenge him and Dana the gun lady face to face.

Rubio’s sad broken face during this townhall gives me so much pleasure.

I’ll tell you probably the same thing ten other people will : COLOURPOP. Dependably solid-performing products, FAB price points (shadows are $4-5 each, lipsticks in various formulations are $6 or so).

Anyone up for a beauty thread? I know there’s usually one on SNS, so figured I’d start it.

This generation is going to burn down the NRA and they are going to do it with Social Media.

This is awesome, this could be a watershed moment...these high schoolers are already eligible or close to being eligible to vote...this shit can spread like wildfire quickly and all those gun Nazis are going to wish they just agreed to a few token laws to get the youth off their backs.

My sentiments exactly. Want to arm yourself to the teeth? Then welcome to our “well-regulated militia.”

I’d like to beat her to death with her own shoe.

I cannot help but give the couple a mental “yup” or “nope” at every wedding I attend. It is terrible and completely involuntary but, there you go.

me, anytime tina does anything.