
I thought that too at first, but after a while, I just fixated on the lyrics. Had to go.

I had that on a playlist and had to take it off. It’s so depressing.

Spotify is my favorite thing in the world. I love it, possibly more than my son.

What do you think of Blackstar?

I’ve never really paid attention to QOTSA, but Wilco is my favorite band, so I think I’ll check them out.

So I’m definitely going to check out Marijata. There is this album I love called Soul of Angola; it’s a bunch of music from the 70's, I think, and it’s just so cool and funky. It’s an anthology or compilation or something, so a bunch of different artists.

Um, no, and now I MUST.

I’m an unabashed fan of the sleazy 70's, Maggie Gyllenhaal, James Franco and David Simon, so there is no way I’m not watching this. I just hope I’m not disappointed like I was with Vinyl.

Aladdin Sane is my favorite, but Low is a totally solid pick.

UGH I saw that he was doing that, and I didn’t get it either night. So there was a bit of disappointment. But he did play Elephant on Saturday, so that was cool.

Why is it strange to listen to Low? I really kind of dig it. Well, now I have to go listen to it.

Pretzel Logic is fantastic, but even though it’s kind of an anomaly, I love Can’t Buy a Thrill. Frankly, I like pretty much their entire catalog up to and including parts of Gaucho.

I was at my dad’s this weekend and we listened to a lot of Paul Simon. Those 3 albums are damn near perfect.

I finally listened to the new Aimee Mann, and wow is it great. I kind of have to be in the mood for her, because she basically has just one speed, but when I am, she really hits a sweet spot.

Well, I am seeing you and I don’t think you are pending. This whole thing is very confusing and I wish O’Neal and Browning would give us another update on what is going on behind the scenes. This is making me sad.

Don’t forget to also shake your fist. I don’t really remember any videos because we couldn’t get cable where we lived. I didn’t have it until 1990, I believe. Wait, I take that back. I remember a f*cking awful video from either Poison or some other hair band called Cherry Pie. Their stupid leering faces just

That description made me snort coffee out of my nose. Well done, sir!

Jesus that sucks.

I have heard some Ha Ha Tonka, but haven’t given him a deep dive. I’ll check it out, thanks!

As I said above, I really like the WOD, and I listened to Iron and Wine last week. Solid album, but not starting my hair on fire or anything.