
I know, right? I immediately texted my husband to tell him.

Never more! Missed opportunity!!!

Kids are the worst.

There are also a lot of movies from the 70's and 80's that I remember watching as a child that would never have been an option now. I started watching Bad News Bears with him and was like "oops, not appropriate!!"

I straight up love that show. I watched it all the time as a kid, and occasionally I'll find it on GSN or something. It's so 70's and so wacky.

It is my life. My 8 year old said to me just yesterday when I yelled "LISTEN" to him: "Ugh, when you say listen, I know you are just going to repeat yourself but with a lot more words." What an asshole.

Excellent analysis!

As a woman, I am here to tell you yes, definitely.

That show was bonkers in the best way. The cast was amazing. Plus it was in easy to manage 15 minute snippets.

His hair has always looked like straw. I'm sure he can afford some new hair, jeez.

Mama. I'm already saving for therapy.

Strip off his clothes and call him Seymour.

My 8 year old is super into history and archaeology, and in trying to find a movie for family night I thought "Oh, the da Vinci Code might be a good choice". I really should have checked more thoroughly, because 10 minutes into it some guy is flagellating himself naked, and my poor son stands up and runs to the

Another one here!

Mostly wine, with a soupcon of taco.


I prefer it with Canadian bacon, but sausage would work.

Just the regular, I haven't tried the chipotle version yet.

I have never once dipped my pizza in any kind of sauce. I have put Cholula on top, but I consider that completely different.

Awww, sweet!