
Chinese dumplings are god's food. I stuff myself with xiao long bao the entire time I'm there because you just cannot get it in Chicago.

That sounds amazing. My mother is a terrible, terrible cook. I learned to cook myself out of self defense.

I love Bosch and others that show enormous, intricate detail, but I always feel like I don't get enough time to truly take them in. I always feel rushed, both by other patrons and whomever I'm with.

When my husband and I were traveling in London, we spend an entire day apart because we both had things we wanted to see, that were of no interest to the other. I spent a lot of time at the Tate that day, plus a nice walking tour. It was really fun and I didn't have him breathing down my neck about when we were

I had the same experience when I saw Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte. It's enormous.

It's more of an "I've got both arms" kind of hot.

I used to work for a company that licensed his work, and that guy was a complete asshole. Plus his work is derivative and ugly.

Booking ahead it the only way to do those museums. Otherwise it's an entire day's event.

It IS! It's almost embarrassing looking at it for more than a few seconds.

The Accademia! The Statue of David is my very favorite work of art of any medium. It's enormous, and the detail on a marble sculpture is unreal. There is a lot of his sculpts and I think his student's sculpts there.

You forgot your exclamation point. SAD!

I always consider it a compliment if I am mistaken for anything but an American in Europe. So far, so good, although for some reason a lot of people assume we are Dutch from looking at us. My husband has the fist of Ireland all over his face, but I guess I'm neutral enough looking to be potentially a lot of things.

ORD customs agents are the f*cking worst. It's like they assume everyone is bringing back something illegal and can't wait to bust them.

We saw the preview at the Spiderman showing on Sunday, and normally he's into every trailer they show, but he didn't even react to this.
Edit: should have mentioned mine is 9, so basically same age as yours.

That island mix sounds great!! I love that stuff, and I like to mix it in with Brazilian/Bossa Nova.

OMG I love this album so much!!

I feel like I can't let this go by without a(n) "hmmm, Charles Manson?"

Oh, let's see what I listened to this week…

Koyaanisqatsi! My high school boyfriend was a film nerd, so we used to watch that. I haven't thought about it in like 30 years.

If you have not heard his Pilot Project, it's a treat. He does one called the Travel Bug with August Lindt that had me crying laughing and I think I even wet myself a little. It's got Daly, Matt Gourley, PFT and Matt Besser and they are all on fire.