
That’s what regular driver’s licenses are supposed to cover. Driving a McLaren non-stupidly requires no special skill.

There’s no word from Singer on the car’s curb weight vs. a standard 964

California already did it to commercial diesels and nobody in the popular automotive press even took notice.

Come on. You’re being as pigheaded as the most dyed-in-the-wool fanboy. You were wrong.

And when we report something that happens at Tesla, it isn’t meant to be “negative” or “positive.” They’re just things that happen, and when what people consider to be “bad news” is reported about Tesla, that’s on Tesla, just as Tesla is more than welcome to take credit—and people should be more than happy to give

If this doesn’t describe engineers as a whole to a tee, I don’t know what does.

Yes, absolutely. The EO came in spite of stunts like this one.

And you think that had something to do with Splinter? Keep telling yourself that.

Everyone has been doxxing - the left wing is plenty guilty of it - but it remains slightly non-normative. The only impact this will have is make it more normative. In other words, it will make it worse for the people _not_ on your enemies list. This is not courageous civil disobedience. This is self-indulgence that

This will have no effect on policy whatsoever. It will only make others that much more likely to engage in doxxing.

I believe that investors are the intended audience for car companies’ ludicrous promises. This extends to suppliers as well. Tech stocks are all-in with the story that a huge market awaits their products’ application in autonomous cars.

A guy I went to high school with just got his license at 46. For a long time he commuted by bike about 30 miles (also in a rural area) with a 2500' elevation gain. He’s in good shape.

This is why I don’t understand Autopilot. If it “requires” you to be 100% attentive, hands on the wheel, foot at the ready to smash the brake - then what is the freaking point at all?

2.5secs is like 25-30ft maybe depending on what speed. That’s still pretty close

These replies suggest most readers think “dogleg” refers to the shape of the lever.

No one will at their current market cap. The stock has to tank first. Unless Tesla manages to succeed on their own, there isn’t any buyer who is going to rescue the current shareholders.

An LS long block is closer to 400 pounds.

They turned a 4C into an overwrought kit car. Look at those A-pillars.

They have steeply raked rear glass and cleverly-styled suggestions of trunklids that appear much more discontinuous than they actually are. They don’t look much trunkier than the Model S, which actually is a hatchback. These are effectively fastback profiles disguised to mimic 3-box sedans.

The commentariat is proving that people will get nostalgic for anything. Sedans were always the clunky split-the-difference choice until the likes of the M5 and AMG Hammer made them seem cool in spite of all their compromises.