
Sedans are more aerodynamic than hatchbacks and wagons, as the abrupt end of a long roof makes for earlier airflow separation.

You “reached out to Chrysler to learn more?” Come on. There’s a mute button right next to the shift knob. This is also exactly what it would look like if she’d just pressed mute. Now you know more.

I’m no Tesla defender. By any stretch. But it’s completely farcical to even entertain the notion that you can hold a software suite (even one that’s marketed irresponsibly) responsible for a driver’s negligence.

I’m sure Tesla uses cores and cell libraries developed by others, and they don’t own the fab - but so does everybody. Even the likes of Intel make parts that way. If they’re rolling a custom ASIC - even with external IP - they’re “[having] their own chips fabricated” in the very mainstream sense of the term.

One has to wonder, though, that if the future of cars are autonomous and hopefully safe, as Tesla is attempting to will into being with Autopilot, what danger is there in riding a motorcycle on the street?

I agree the term is being abused. But for the first 15 years or so, most electronic fuel injection computers were analog.

The minimum order thing was tacked on later in the process. What a quintessentially governmental bit of stupidity that was. In the name of fiscal responsibility, they very predictably guaranteed the plate program would fail.

Get serious. Believe it or not, people actually are replacing <cars> with <CUVs>. This is reality.

There are a thousand dimensions of “best.” An SUV that’s bigger but no less efficient than the car it replaces can be the “best” whether you like it or not.

Everyone with a 10-year old passenger car who is contemplating a replacement is.

So many riders die at the TT that it’s just accepted. If fatalities were rare, there would probably be more outcry for reform when one happened.

Unintentional dog whistling: the mother of all unfalsifiable accusations


Chevy did something sort of similar with supplier/employee pricing, except at a much mellower/informal level. You’re not supposed to flip the discounted car for 2 years. Unless you really need the money, in which case they ask that you tell them first. If you break the rules, they won’t let you in on future

This was done so that they cars would go to people that would genuinely enjoy them instead of just flipping them as an investment

If you go by body count, Elon Musk’s favorite metric, the safest cars in the world are all human-driven.

Good Lord. Loose sand is just the worst-case version of soft shoulders generally. Northern California has tens of thousands of miles of soft shoulder roads, plenty of which are not “hard-packed dirt,” such as agricultural fields everywhere. What a bizarre generalization.

We’re living through an ergonomic Dark Age. Manufacturers are embracing usability worst practices and the press and public are lapping it up.