I just think they’re neat

Would “foals” be more accurate?

I dont see the fuck up. One commercial doesn’t erase the legacy of the company, the people behind the company, or the quality of the product (assuming their stuff is good, otherwise why would people care). I thought they changed formula’s or something, but it seems folks lost their minds because the commercial had a

I think I said they add subtle flavor at least 4 times.

What’s wrong with calling out hillarys ties with Wall Street. He wasn’t making it up.

Considering how much the DNC fucked Bernie over they should be glad he did all he did .

Bernie during the primaries had high numbers regarding millenials of all races. Quit going after Bernie considering he still endorsed Hillary after Hillary had the DNC secretly backing her up.

It’s just wrong that a Republican can be named John Kennedy.

They are hiring now. 4000 people, some of them to be confirmed by the Senate. Apply guys, this is a ddos style way of limiting them.

Bad West Wing is better than pretty much anything else., so.

If they’re not careful they could end up with some jabroni managing to scam their way into a position of incredible power despite being totally unsuitable/unqualified/unprepared for it. I think that’s called a feedback loop.

I was one of the progressives who didn’t think she was progressive enough. I sucked it up and donated to her campaign. I showed up and voted for her. We should have run Bernie. Don’t blame us.

There’s a reason he got millions of votes less than Hillary in the primary

Okay. There’s literally no benefit for the American people from a “balanced budget”, but a lot of regular folks got hurt by “welfare reform”. Lots of people have been stuck in prisons due to laws passed under his watch.

I think that a lot of her potential supporters (especially amongst younger voters) felt alienated because any attempt to discuss her imperfections was shouted down by her most ardent supporters.

Thank you. The only person at fault is Hillary Clinton.

Hillary calling half of Trump supporters deplorables - bad idea. Some of them are, but average middle America mom and pop took offense.

Except that a poll taken two days before the election had Sanders beating Trump by 12 points:

A big part of why she lost, and that Democrats don’t want to admit, is the whole email thing. Even if the FBI found no crimes, the public and Bernie supporters found what they saw as evidence of her rigging the primaries. Whether people reading this accept that it was true or not doesn’t matter. They believed the

If Comey wanted to throw the outcome of an election, all he had to do was recommend charges against Clinton at his July press conference. Even if the DoJ would have declined his recommendation (verly likely), the damage would have been done. He didn’t, so blaming Comey for the outcome of an election, where 53% of all