I just think they’re neat

I bet Univision is so happy with their purchase right now.

Pret a Manger sells both yogurt cups (7 varieties) and soup (12). They probably sell far more soup, but he kind of does have a point here. Oddly expressed, but then I do enjoy the #firstworldproblems faux-rage posts from time to time as a palate cleanser from the relentless entries in the I Hate Rich People series.

No, but the lack of concern for those federal workers until the last fucking minute, like they finally realized, “Holy shit, there’s actually gonna be a lot of people hurt by this,” is telling.

Because Splinter (nor you, I’d wager) really give a fuck. They just want a shitty fight, no matter how they get it, no matter

I will say, I understood being ready to let it shut down going to the mat for DACA and children’s programs (I was bummed that they got one but not the other, but sometimes you gotta accept something over nothing when you’re the minority party in all branches).

Hey, surely you understand that you need to take one on the chin so that these progressive folks can deny Trump the appearance of a legislative victory, right?

Yeah, Rafi pretending like he and his fellow bloggers weren’t basically softly saying what Rep. Meadows is saying loudly would be hilarious if it wasn’t so shitty.

I can’t with this bullshit. All last year and into this one it’s “shut it down”, but now furloughs are a problem and won't someone think of the poor federal workers. It's like they forget what they wrote 3 months ago. 

The fauxgressive left is the alt-right’s best friend and greatest ally.

Oh wait... so now you’re thinking about the employees that will be furloughed?

Why the sudden concern about furloughed federal workers? I didn’t see anyone writing about it when the DACA shut downs almost occurred earlier this year. Just calls for shut downs where these same federal workers would have been affected. It was certainly ok for them to be furloughed then, but not now?

Funny, just the other day there was a Splinter article that basically agreed with Meadows, that Federal workers should more or less suck it up so Trump doesn’t get his shitty wall that won’t even get started being built until he’s out of office even if they do agree to fund it.

Probably the lamest murder attempt ever caught on video. Killing a motorcyclist with an automobile should be like shooting fish in a barrel. But no, this guy manages to screw it up in spectacular fashion.

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

Do the crime, do the time.

Bullshit, it’s nothing like that. DPRK makes it’s expectations Goddamned crystal clear to its visitors, as well as the severity of the penalties if you fuck up, which goes TRIPLE for Americans.

I would blame the parents actually. They knew they were in the country illegally, and they knew they could get deported at any minute. They decided to have a kid anyway, knowing for a fact that one day they wouldn’t be around any more.

I have sympathy for the kid, but none for the parents. Luckily we have public

I still don’t get the controversy here. It seems very clear. You came illegally, that was your choice. Now you get caught and sent back which sucks for your child who was born here but wasn’t this your choice? Isn’t this a consequence? Where’s the accountability?

Uhm seems like I’m pointing out the obvious here, but...

You’re right, eliminating birthright citizenship to those born from undocumented aliens solves this from all angles. Once the baby is treated and well enough to travel then the family can be deported together in order to legally re-attempt to enter the USA. And the USA loses one more convicted drunk driver that we

Yeah, so too drunk to safely operate a vehicle.