I just think they’re neat

It was a piss-poor political speech from a redneck who makes duck calls, you sanctimonious redneck.

I want Bartlett, but we’re gonna get Stilson.

Do you know what would be awesome? If we completely divorced health care from the employer/employee relationship. We could have some sort of, I don’t know, single payer system or something.

Pretty sure Jessica Szohr is most famous for being Homely Dan’s worst girlfriend Vanessa in Gossip Girl.

What exactly is lazy about calling voters in different time zones for 2-4 hours after work everynight? Bernie supporters are passionate because we are fighting an uphill battle

I don’t need to make assumptions when you’re telling me what you think.

Right, you - a person who has been long referring to Sanders and his supporters as “sexist regressives” - a person who has criticized him many times on Gawker as an insider with poor decision-making... you inexplicably gave money to his campaign, but suddenly NOW you’re done with him because he criticized a $125,000 a

Hey, look who just became the bad guy in a discussion about two other bad guys.


Exactly. He’s a deadbeat who wants approval. He’ll get none from me.

He also doesn’t mention being any part of the day-to-day labor of raising a child. I would have had a totally different reaction to this piece if he had said “I don’t make enough money to pay child support, but my flexible schedule means that I do all the after-school pick-ups, sick-day care-taking, etc...” Instead,

I have a kid. And I have a job that is so far from my dream career it isn’t even funny, but it has good health insurance, pays the bills, and flexible time for childcare emergencies. You better believe I’m grateful as fuck to be able to show up every day.

You sound just like these assholes that skirt their responsibilities.

And? If you’re serious about caring for your children, be the UPS driver whose wages are garnished 70%. That’s still more money than “I get paid a couple hundred dollars once or twice a year to write a rambling and unsympathetic think piece for websites like Jezebel”.

I used to process garnishments at my last job, granted not for CA but for several states and there is a limit on what they can take and it was well under 70%.

Never mind the freedom the non-custodial parent has to pursue dreams like that while the custodial parent often has to work 2 jobs that they hate to keep the water on. You do what you have to do. You give up dreams and work 3 jobs to care for your kids if need be, custodial parent or not. My husband’s father abandoned

Yup, raising kids is very expensive and very hard.

I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone say “trail mix” so many times in one comment... and now I can’t stop thinking about the kind that has those little ripoff m&ms in it. That’s the best trail mix ever. Throw out the raisins, eat around the other shit, and just consume the fake m’s. That is where it’s at.