I just think they’re neat

Totes. This is my defense when peeps get all upset about me and my brother! Open up your minds, people!

The camera battery failed at the exact point where the sandbags/rafts have been launched in the air.... how convenient.

yes, your sole experience should dictate how a program that serves over 12 million people should operate.

Yeah, but I get my drugs by fucking for them. How come I can't pay my grocery bills or rent in the same way?

You forgot the part where writing 90% of content about transgendered issues now constitutes a womens blog

In this case, it looks to me like the officer actually didn't have the right to demand Ore's ID. ...Why should she cooperate with a request the officer has no right to make?

Wrong. The police are authoritative. She's worried about "respect" as an ASU person? HE is the LAW. Part of what he does is send a message and that message is, do as your told. It's not a debate. It's not a discussion. It's law enforcement dictating what should be done and by not complying, she's usurping the

Yeah, and some cars went speeding past the other day as I got a speeding ticket. I guess they were all professors.

I would not give her a nickel.

So you expect a policeman to know everything about anyone he stops?

Yes, if an officer makes a reasonable request of you (especially if you had just committed a crime), you are expected to cooperate.

You're right, she made a choice and saw the results of that choice.


It shouldn't matter if someone is a "crackhead" or "an educated woman." Its pretty fucked up that people make such distinctions, as if someone addicted to crack doesn't deserve the same rights as someone who is "educated."

So he was polite and respectful to start with and she kept talking and refusing to listen to him, when he repeatedly asked her for her id which she didnt give him and refused to let him speak. He gave her plenty of warning about what was going on... so I dont see the problem here.

So I have to read ALL the words to understand the story?

First time commenting on Deadspin. If this is how this site is going to be I will have to delete sorry :(

You're the one who has so many dishes to prepare that you need to be able to estimate the amount of time it will take to cook your poultry. Please check your privilege. I don't even own a casserole dish.

Liberals. SMH

Just trying to stick with the theme. No need to get all Facebook balls on me.