I just think they’re neat

All I took away from this is that you have about 22 or so American friends. Twenty two is such a specific number. I could see "about 20," or "20 or so" but "ABOUT 22 OR SO"

And, you know, if it kills some immuno-compromised baby or old person it's fine, because they aren't my kid.

Meanwhile, fully 37% of Americans believe that the FDA is suppressing "natural" cures for cancer

I don't know. My sister's husband's neighbor's wife got her kid a vaccine, and it gave their kid ebola. It's not really the same as autism, but if they can give a kid ebola, y'know?

I'm only letting my kids get organic vaccines just in case. Because it's my kids.

I wonder about all of these people who do not care about what kind of food they are eating??

I went over to This is Thin Privilege to complain about it. You can't get away with the crap you could in the 80's Kimmel!

Please be my friend, you magnificent weirdo

Oh come now we all know what Ursula looked like in real life.

The 49ers do very well with Sacrament-0 folks.

Of course there are occasions when you may decide to fly. You better buy two seats per person every time. For everyone's comfort, for simple fairness, and for basic airplane safety as well.

So we expand the width of the seats, and expand the legroom between rows..... then the people who fit into the current seats will wind up paying twice as much for a big seat because the airline has boost up the ticket price, for the sake of your dignity. That sounds completely fair!

if you take up two seats, you should pay for two seats. many commuter train lines use and enforce this policy (when i had a broken leg and had to keep my leg propped up on the adjacent seat for the 2 hour duration of my commute, i was asked to purchase an extra ticket, and guess what, i did. because that seat would

Lindy also filters out the comments that don't agree with her, so there's that.

You'd think they would want to bring these back, what with the salad in a jar situation going on these days.

I would buy that tube. I would buy it with money, and eat it with my face.

I have something terribly shameful to admit. It wasn't until I was watching the Kardashians and saw them shaking up their salads in plastic containers that I realized such a thing was even an option.

I literally will eat anything Taco Bell puts in front of my face.

I never said I was concerned about their health. I am most definitely not. Anyone who says that is cloaking their ew/disgust in that "concerned attitude" bs. I don't care about their health anymore than girls who say "oooh you're too skinny" care about "the health" of skinny girls (nope you're just jealous). People

I don't want to be rude/forward but I think you would like the sub-reddit community r/loseit. I find it to be a very supportive place.

It is known