I read something vaguely similar about faces with more contrast being found more attractive (or maybe it was just more feminine?)
I read something vaguely similar about faces with more contrast being found more attractive (or maybe it was just more feminine?)
But maybe redemption and rehabilitation are two different things.
Ha, I was pretty big into Skinny Puppy back in the day. But I found my “Too Dark Park” CD a couple months ago and played it in my car. And it didn’t sound good anymore?!? It just made me feel agitated. My younger self would be so ashamed of me.
Not sure if it’s the same all over FL but tell them to keep trying. My parents (both 74, up near Jax) said every time new supplies were announced they’d be gone within 10 minutes. Then one morning my mom just randomly got through on the county website. I think it’s like trying to win concert tickets from a radio…
Best advice I ever got as a parent: trust your gut.
Did you have your kids in the early 2000's? I did, and I remember reading the heck out of “The Happiest Baby on the Block.” I can’t remember a single piece of its advice now, but my 3 kids seem to have turned out relatively normal (so far) so I’m guessing it was helpful.
I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine.
So she knew the “Antifa” people had been inside the Capitol because their red eyes and sniffling proved they’d been pepper sprayed. Except she was sprayed too, even though she was “only mildly in the fray”?? At least pick one lie to go with. I swear my blood pressure is not going to survive these idiots.
I am seriously excited to try that out. Not sure I have any Trumpers left in my life but I'll figure something out!
No matter what, the fact that he came into the city to do it means something, at least to me. He lived 10 miles out? Why drive downtown unless it was to make a bigger impact? And yeah, people on here have become awful. Not everyone, but enough to keep me away most of the time.
It happened to me, too! Slight variation tho: it was at a school roller skating event (at the roller rink). I fell and hurt my wrist. I was in 1st grade and really shy so it took me a while to work up the nerve to tell one of the teachers. She was nice but basically said, “you’ll be fine.” So I just kept skating all…
But whence SDNY? Was I incredibly naive to hope he'd end up in prison?
He didn't sound miffed to me. He sounded remorseful.
Agree with most of this except didn't it say he tilted the camera down? That seems pretty incriminating, like he thought he was showing it to someone, even if it wasn't the group of reporters.
My little Zoe bunny. It feels like I took this pic yesterday but somehow she’s 17 and applying to college right now. Weeping.
Oh just nope. I don’t do caves. That detail makes this so much worse!
For whatever reason, this story really scares me. Much more than any of the others so far. I wish I could figure out why; all I know is that it’s going to stay with me a while!
This would probably be better categorized as a “Well-That-Was-Weird Story”, but: Our washer and dryer are in the back of our basement, there are double doors to get back there. One night a few years ago I took a load of laundry down. I reached out to open one of the doors but as soon as my hand touched the knob the…
But you know who gets left out here? Everyone in the middle, i.e. the women who can't afford birth control but don't qualify for medicaid, etc. Story of my life.
Not as effective as condoms, but diaphragms are women-controlled, don’t mess with hormones, and are generally affordable. Of course affordable is relative. But worth consideration maybe.