
Lol, I love it! I actually haven’t listened to his solo stuff in years. My 17 y.o. stuff would kill my current self for saying this but his music started to feel a bit overwrought (shocking term to use about Morrissey, i know). I need Johnny Marr to balance out the feels.

Wait, you can borrow books in Kindle form? From your public library? This could change everything...

I’m in the same boat, I’ve always read at bedtime but for the last few months or so I’ve messed around on my phone instead. I hate it, it’s a waste of time and doesn’t help me wind down like reading. I’m going to use this article as inspiration and try to get back on track though.

Oh dear. I read this and thought, “Oh wow, you don’t hear about too many celebrities moving to DC. I wonder who it is.” I’m completely sober.

My son is 12. He weighs 115 lbs. I’ll be spending the rest of today annoying the shit out of him with snuggles. As if that could undo the torture this boy’s endured.

That’s exactly what mine was! I was so proud of myself and took impeccable care of my little VW for six whole months until it got totalled :(

Thank god it’s not just me.

Ha, I love it! Serious props for remembering the word Skeksis, I think I blocked it out. Sadly, a round of antibiotics has brought my voice back to mostly normal, though I did have a fun stage when I sounded like Linda from Bob’s Burgers. I’ll keep making my phone calls but I won’t get to be scary anymore.

That’s how my call went! I too am enjoying bronchitis and called a couple days ago to give Toomey my thoughts on Trump’s cabinet picks. When I first started speaking nothing came out but a high pitched scratch. That morphed into an unearthly screech (ever see The Dark Crystal? “Please make peace!”) I can only assume


Exactly this. Outside of threatening their chances of re-election I don’t know how to get through to some of our representatives. For anyone interested, I found a cool app called Congress that makes it easy to keep tabs on and contact your reps. Easy enough that I just unintentionally called Bob Casey. Hope I didn’t

I can get it at Giant (Philly area regular, non-hipster grocery) but it’s in a funny international section, not in Dairy with regular yogurt.

I thought that might be the case. I am the elusive and coveted Philly suburb college-educated woman voter. To be honest, I’m surprised my vote alone didn’t get Hillary elected. ;)

Good to know, thanks for the advice!

Ha, do you say, “hey it’s me again” when you call your governer? That’s great that you’re staying on him/her. But thanks for the advice, I think I’ll go with both Kasich and my PA legislators.

Can you call or write if you’re not in OH? I feel stupid asking this, but I’ve never contacting any representatives besides my own. I mean I know technically I CAN call, but wondering if it does any good. Unfortunately this question has been coming up quite a lot the past month.

Jesus Christ. Is Kasich going to provide funding to help mothers forced to give birth to terribly sick children pay for health care, medical equipment, therapy, etc?

Was this it? My mom had this on her fb, I’m so proud of her.

But how can anyone blame you for trying to make yourself feel better? I’m just so tired of liberals picking at each other. And it gets so petty on Jezebel. I mean, look where that’s gotten us. But I’m on vodka #5 so what do I know...  

Exactly. my husband and I have spent the last 15 months telling our 3 kids what an awful person he is and how bad it would be if he got elected. What do we say to them in the morning?