For what it’s worth I appreciate what you said. I don’t understand why everyone’s jumping down your throat, you were just trying to help. We can’t turn on each other now.
For what it’s worth I appreciate what you said. I don’t understand why everyone’s jumping down your throat, you were just trying to help. We can’t turn on each other now.
Have you tried fivethirtyeight? I feel like that’s something they might have but it could be tricky to find among all their other stats. I’m curious too.
I just restarted it!
Is there an auto play setting in your browser settings somewhere? Nothing auto plays for me but I’m always on my phone.
Have you watched “Going Clear” yet? I fell asleep 10 minutes in but I was legit exhausted, not bored. My husband said it’s amazing. Maybe I’ll give it another try today.
No kidding. Did you ever have just a shit day then whack your head or something and think “GOOD! I don’t even care! Let more shit happen!” I feel like 2016 is my bad day. I’m just not sure if this FBI nonsense is the head whack. More likely it’ll be Trump getting elected.
I always figured people who cough over their fist are just trying to avoid getting their clothes dirty, not contain germs. I’ll be honest, sometimes shit flies out of my mouth when I cough. Cigarette tar, half-chewed Twizzlers, whatever. So I instinctively put my fist up when I’m alone*. At all other times I cough…
Starred for Khmer Yuge. Perfect!
Well I think if you were able to figure that much out with Google you are an official constitutional scholar. It’s interesting, I’ll have to read about what happened with Jefferson. With (Bill) Clinton though, I assume all bets are off once you’re officially impeached?
Really? Is that true? I would love to see her tell them to get bent. But at the same time I’d really enjoy watching her give testemony again, a la Bengazi. The thing that kills me is I’ve read a bunch of the leaked emails (admittedly not all of them) and I just can’t see anything problematic. If anything they leave me…
I love her! congrats!
Oh my god are you kidding me? Look at him hugging her!! Thanks for posting this, maybe now I can go to sleep thinking about kitties (instead of Trump, etc).
Oh I’m way too sleep deprived, I thought you named her Lizzie! Eliza Lu is an excellent name. I’m an Elizabeth and have been called every conceivable derivative of it but oddly not Eliza. (My middle name isn’t really Mae, my bro-in-law made it up years ago and it stuck.) I always liked Eliza tho.
Make her middle name be Mae!
Good lord, Passions! Aka the artistic pinnacle of western civilization! I watched the shit out of that show but stopped in 1998(?) because I got a stupid job. So I didn’t see to the end and now I’m praying I can find it online somehow. Also, I made my friend a Timmy t-shirt for his birthday one year.
I was just texting a friend about this! I’m particularly concerned about Scottie Nell Hughes, whom I used to affectionately refer to as “Crazy Eyez.” I think trying to defend the Access Hollywood tapes broke her Friday night. Then she found herself on the receiving end of Ana Navarro’s beautiful “pussy” outburst. She…
I know! You’d think people like Paul Ryan would drop Trump even if they were okay with what he said. Just to save their own asses. You just know there will be lists of everyone who supported Trump being used against candidates in every election for the next 50 years. Why commit career suicide for this idiot?
But after the break Ana was gone! Don Lemon said she’d had a long day and was tired. Too tired to finish the last 3 minutes?
Oh god, if I had a nickel for every time I said ‘yes’ just because I sensed it was going to happen either way I’d be loaded. Not now, I’m married to a cool guy and I’ve finally developed a shred of self-worth. But back in the day it happened fairly often. It’s messed up but I would tell myself it was better to have…
I hate to say this but I bet that kind of assault is very common. Isn’t that basically what Trump did to Ivana? It’s absolutely rape and I think it’s disgusting that people tried to dispute that. In a lot of ways I think being raped by a partner would be um... not worse than a stranger or date rape exactly, but would…