
I’m so excited about this, what a great feature! My 7 y.o. is going through a big “how does this work” phase and I’ve been absolutely appalled by how much I don’t know. Some of his recent questions I couldn’t answer: How does electricity get started? How do magnets work? How do the cable wires get the picture to the

My uncle was murdered a few years ago and it still hasn’t been solved. I play Clue with my kids and watch murder mysteries on tv and it’s honestly never bothered me. I never even connected them mentally. The game, especially, just feels so abstract, to me it’s more like a logic puzzle. But I’m not you. It sounds like

Oh yeah the store itself is fantastic, it really is just the customers. I haven’t seen the smaller car carts yet. Luckily my kids outgrew the big one, it was awful. Impossible to maneuver and let them take things off the shelves without me seeing. One time my daughter grabbed an apple, took a few bites then dropped

Good god, Wegmans is the worst. Especially on weekends. Especially if your kids see the shopping cart with the car they can ride in at the front. Always a nightmare. Our Wegmans used to be 24 hours though, and shopping when it was empty at 1 a.m. was pure bliss.

So would you say not kid-friendly? They’re 12 (almost) and 13. I haven’t censored anything so far besides the really obvious stuff. They would flip out over this.

Meanwhile, white girls all over America frequent tanning salons and apply massive amounts of self-tanner and bronzer in an effort to look darker.

Sweet merciful Jeebus that is beautiful and I’ll be purchasing it by the case. I may have to print out the press release to hang in my kitchen, too. I wonder if it will mix better with vanilla vodka or plain?

But were they pink and purple? I got excited to tell my 5 y.o. niece about this then realized she’ll be disappointed if they were tan or something.

Are you kidding me? I was excited that Polar makes blueberry and apple. Please tell me if this is a joke before I start looking for a 24-hour grocery store.

I’m on my phone and kinja-ignorant so I can’t quote, but I feel exactly the same about carrying my kids myself. This topic is full of land mines and I want to tread carefully, it’s just that for ME it was an amazing experience. I was never all that “in-touch” with my body, I just thought of it as something I walked

Yeah, getting the insurance companies to cover it might be tricky. Do they cover some or all of the transition procedure? Maybe eventually uterine transfers will be included with it.

I didn’t even think about that, wouldn’t it be cool if women could keep passing on the same uterus when they were finished with it? As far as transplants for transwomen, someone in the comments mentioned something about transplants for men being possible in 5 years. So who knows? I definitely wouldn’t write off the

You’re right, we won’t get to debate electibility but ffs we need to. I wish people would just grow up and try to be pragmatic about things. Bernie’s been my guy all along, his vision is in exact alignment with mine, i.e. I feel very strongly about voting for him. But I will absolutely vote for Hillary if it becomes

I completely agree with you electibility (sp?). I think it’s more crucial than ever when you take into account the Republican congress, likely supreme court appointments, etc. The only problem is I can’t get a handle on who would actually beat the Republican nominee. For a while it seemed like it would absolutely be

Oh Swimfan is awesome on so many levels...

I used to have literally all of Raising Arizona memorized but a lot has faded by now. Sixteen Candles was a close second, I still quote from both on a daily basis. I’m a sucker for any movie with a psychotic female, e.g. The Crush, Fatal Attraction but I’m ashamed to admit it. One night Mr. Mae walked in while I was

The only mistake I can see is that baby girl isn’t centered under precious. But this is not my area of expertise at all. What else is wrong?

We must be siblings. I love my dad to death but he’s demented politically. He’d just finished Anne Coulter’s “Adios America” when Trump made his statements about Mexicans so I guess they really resonated with him. I thought he would have been turned off by the John McCain remark since he fought in Vietnam but nope.

Not a fan of tomato bugs. I called them circumcised dryer vent monsters before I found out what they were.

I used to suffer horribly from anxiety and panic. Like, I was basically housebound. The things that helped me were meditation, exercise (especially during an attack) and ativan. But panic still controlled my life (fear of an attack can SO cause one!). I finally went to the Beck Institute, which is where cognitive