
Aw, that sucks Lilly. I’m sorry. I’m kind of in the same boat right now but since I’m very, very old I’ve learned that things really do get better somehow. I think it’s time that helps more than anything, eventually everything changes, you know? It’s just about being able to wait it out. Good luck to you.

Oh I’m so sorry. I’m not good at gifs but I’m sending you voodoo magic strength vibes. I really hate the idea that you’re sitting there sobbing.

I haven’t had a blackout since 1999 but it was a doozy. My boyfriend and I were at a party at his friend’s house and someone gave me a bottle of aftershock (? Can’t think of the name, it was very minty and kind of popular way back then). I had no clue what proof it was so I just slammed it. Next thing I knew I was

Oh my god I lost it when I read that. Thanks for brightening up a shitty day!

After reading some of the other comments I think it might be a dosage problem. My Xanax rx is for .5 mg which is apparently really low. I got a little suspicious when I found out my parents’ (very small) dogs have a rx for .25 mg. Yes, my parents’ dogs take Xanax.

Really? Xanax is the one benzo that doesn’t work for me for panic. I have a shit ton just sitting in a drawer. A couple ativan under the tongue is my official recommendation for acute panic. And I got my degree from Google School of Medicine so you can absolutely trust me.

Jesus, nature is scary. Your reply made me glad I’m done having kids. It’s just horrifying what can go wrong. If studying this tissue gives any insight into the mysteries of fetal development I still say it’s worth it. And this is going to sound awful, but don’t aborted fetuses essentially end up in the trash? How is

Oh okay, I was confused about that, thanks. What is fetal tissue actually used for? I thought it was used in research somehow? If only I had access to some kind of large electronic database of information... :)

I think maybe the problem is using the term “body parts” vs. fetal tissue. It makes it sound like PP has a vast warehouse full of baby arms, hearts, eyes, etc. A fetus aborted early on doesn’t even have many “parts”. I assumed (though I’m not sure) that fetal tissue equates to stem cells. Which to me seems like a

He was smart enough to bat at the toilet handle after using it

Chantix is the shit! 8 years, that’s amazing. The best I’ve done is 5 months but it wasn’t Chantix’s fault, just hit a rough patch in life and decided I needed to smoke again. I gained a bunch of weigh this year (from a med I was on) but once I finish losing it I’m definitely going back on Chantix. I’m going to use

You’re so right- I clicked on this thinking it would be snarky-funny too and it just comes across as whiny and condescending. And none of the things I think she intended to be funny made me even crack a smile. At least it wasn’t written by a Jezebel staffer; I don’t think it reflects well on the general “you be you”

You’re right! My bad.

Are you sure you don’t mean the Wyomissing Valley Mall? We have strange names here in PA.

Ironic to read this the day after my first order of Wen arrived. Fortunately I was more interested in what it might do for my hair than any green aspect of the lack of sulfates. I'm terribly dismayed to find out it might exacerbate my soap scum issue tho. I clean my tub the way I clean my feet, i.e. by pretending the