YES! Thank you!!! Seriously! THANK YOU! No one will see this and continue to think I'm a total bitch. But still....THANK YOU!
YES! Thank you!!! Seriously! THANK YOU! No one will see this and continue to think I'm a total bitch. But still....THANK YOU!
No it's not weird. I wish my Dad dead. It's awful isn't it? When you are relieved or wish death on someone. But I think that in defence of us, parents are supposed to love you and protect you and be there for you. Not to abuse and psychologically torment you. No one deserves that, and at a certain point you have to…
Dude....I feel so jealous I can feel it in my throat. I used to pretend Tom Hanks was my Dad when I was a kid. He seemed like a solid option.
I'm sorry too. But I remember being young and thinking no one elses dad was like this. Other kids got hugs and 'well dones' and I never once did. But it was such a weird comfort to realise other people were going through it too.
Please please don't blame yourself for his death. You had to to what you needed for you to be healthy.
I think it's hard to love someone who is incapable of love. My father should have never had children. I don't know why he did because he doesn't love anything, least of all his children. It's chilling.
No, I'm so not bumming this post out with my shit. People should be able to celebrate their Dad. Some of us just need a dark and twisty place to vent too. :P
Could we have a post for all the bad-dad stories too? Just to even things out?
So we had a turkey compound, pigs, a cow and a fairly large veggie garden. It was WORK with just that small amount. I mean, one season the entire veggie garden was destroyed by blight. Those god damn turkeys were a pain to look after and they got really big. The cow was cool, though I felt bad eating the cuts of her.… this so much.
Come to Ireland and you will see our thrift stores are filled with nothing but kids clothes, books and weird ornaments. Also....there are not that many.
Well done. That is honestly very admirable. (Though $40,000 worth of suits boggles my mind a little bit. I hope one is velvet, because I seen a guy wearing this dark velvet suit and shockingly enough he looked super badass!)
Ah it's fine. I shouldn't have posted anything to begin with. There's nothing more I can say. Haha.
I actually never mentioned second hand. Everyone else did. I answered them. In my comment I just laid out the circumstances of my life in regards to the article. I wasn't asking for a resulting shitstorm because people seem to have a REAL issue with people who did Communications. You obviously didn't do it so...that's…
We're all meant to think a certain way and if we deviate at all from that line of thinking, The Thought Police jump out at you at try and force you into submission and their way of thinking. :)
I live in a smallish town in Ireland. There are no thrift shops in my area. None. There are 3 charity shops where they sell clothes for children and older people and books and housewares. That's about it.
But your judging me based on two sentences. I volunteer with groups and I try and help wherever I can. It's not that I'm not conscious, I just try to help in ways that I can in regards to my life circumstances right now.
Ha thanks.....also thanks for not calling me a stupid moron with no soul. It's the general vibe I've been getting on this thread. haha!