Well we're at an impasse then. If that's what you think, then fair enough.
Well we're at an impasse then. If that's what you think, then fair enough.
I had some health issues and I was going to college early, when I was 17, so defered my course for a while. So when I started in 2009 things had kind of imploded here in Ireland. Just kind of a mix of things really. No ones fault, just kinda happened.
Thanks. Boy do I regret saying anything now. I didn't realise there were SO many people who are basically living angels. Madness.
I wasn't being flippant. Would you have liked if I had videoed myself crying while talking about how much I hate sweatshops? I mean.....of course I do, but excuse me if I don't infuse enough emotion into my writing for you to feel like I had conveyed appropriate disgust. Stop trying to make out like I don't care. I…
I think with boils....sometimes you just gotta laugh.
There are not that many thrift stores in Ireland. We have charity shops, which are mainly full of housewares, kids clothes and clothes for older people. The shops are usually very small. I live in a medium sized town and there are no charity or thrift shops in the area. Thrift shop culture just isn't that popular…
I did not sound gleeful about it. I made a statement regarding the circumstances in my life.
You are just bad at this. I mean, do you honestly think your bothering me? Your just SO OBVIOUS. At least other people in the thread had actual arguments and put a little effort into their meanness. Your just embarrassing yourself. So we're done now, ok?
Funnily enough! She knows how to use a sewing machine. She went to a summer camp where they made props and costumes for a show they were putting on and they had these little ones where they made things. It was very cool. She was a whizz on it!
Hi again! Don't you sleep?
Wow, that is a seriously cool thing to do. Honestly, well done for not compromising what you believe in.
I think the previous generation have a hard time with the concept that college degree doesn't equal an automatic job these days.
Where are you from yourself? Do you buy everything second hand? (legit question btw).
I hear what your saying, and I agree. Similarly, if everyone recycled more and used green energy then we wouldn't have an environmental disaster on our hands. But it's not gonna happen is it? We're in a vicious cycle with a lot of these issues.
Thanks. Kind of insane how it descended into that much of a psycho soup. Oh well.
It was also my first time being trolled. I expected more. Next time maybe you can up your game.
I bought a plum lace top there for €7.00 and a black blazer for €19.99....everyone thought it was lovely. I get ya.
Well from the replies I've gotten on here you would have thought I announced I liked putting kittens in the microwave. People seem to get mad at the word 'Communications degree'. People love high horses. I didn't realise I was such a horrendous self pitying bitch until tonight. It's mad....I honestly was just making a…
I'm so fucking sick of this. I wasn't making excuses. I was making a statement about the circumstances regarding my life in regards to the article. I don't have to listen to what I should or should not be doing. I wasn't asking for input or advice.