If your going to troll, at least do it with a bit of panache. Weak effort.
I had engineering friends who failed so many classes they have literally paid the equivalent of a masters degree and have been in college for like 6 years. Very stupid way of doing it.
I seriously want to copy this and send it to all my fellow struggling peeps. You are very wise!
I totally agree. I get some wicked cool finds at second hand stores. Forever 21 can go jump up it's own stretchy neon ass.
In Ireland, we pay €3000 registration fee at the start of the year. Regardless of what university you attend. We don't have tuition. Just accommodation and living expenses then. It's not a perfect system, but my god when I see the debt American students are in - it's just so horrible.
Thank you.
Thanks for writing that. It's just hard not to lash out when EVERYONE tells you on the regular that you made a complete fuck up of your life. You can get defensive. I get really defensive. lol. But man....I've had a very bad week and this hasn't helped. I wasn't looking to get into a internet fight tonight.
Ha no, those are positives, I will admit. A friend passed away this week in pretty grim circumstances so I am literally a ball of emotional rawness right now. Someone could literally tell me I coughed too loud and I would be likely to punch them in the face.
Yeah, I'm just on edge tonight. Had a very bad week. The world is a shitty place. But we can all help in small ways. Your right.
Just to clarify, because I am getting severely shit on for my original comment, I wasn't trying to sound self pitying or that it's the worlds fault I don't have a full time job. I was just laying out my circumstances and thinking in relation to the article.
I wasn't actually trying to sound like a self pitying bitch. I was just laying out my circumstances to try and explain why I can't afford to buy things that don't come from sweatshops. If I had the money I would.
I am not an idiot. You don't get to call me that.
I do care about things. But at this time in my life, I can't really help the cause. But thanks for making me feel even shittier. I was doing a pretty good job by myself, but you really gave me the kick I needed.
Why did you feel the need to attack my life choices in such a cruel way? I mean, do you not think I regret my choices sometimes? I do, but I deal with what I have. I don't have the money to buy fairtrade clothes. If I did, I would. But I can't.
I'm glad for you that you have the time to be judgmental about other peoples choices and I assume you buy nothing made in a sweatshop because you are just so great at life. I am pleased for you.
You....are an asshole.
People don't like saying it out loud, they just like making others feel bad when I bet they're doing the exact same thing. Ridiculous.