DUDE! Are you following my replies? You are an ill-informed troll. Please....go away if you can't add anything constructive to the discussion.
From your comment history I think the best way to deal with you is to just ignore you. Because your just a troll.
I think more women would speak up if there wasn't a fear of something worse happening if you do. There is always the danger the guy could follow you out of the place and so something bad. I hate that we have to think like that, but we do.
Hey...guess what...you can go jump up your own ass because that's obviously where your brain lives.
This is the boring One Direction news of the day - how about the video of two of the others in the band smoking weed....they are in TROUBLE. Those tween girls are scary powerful.
That is amazing. I laughed SO hard at your comment. :D
It scares me how ingrained it is. I have an 18 year old sister, who....as much as I love her, isn't very smart about feminism and things like that, not that she's dumb or anything but she just accepts a lot of this stuff as normal. Like...she didn't think there was anything wrong at all with that Blurred Lines song.…
To be honest I could care less about the people she met, it's just it was like snapshot of how her life went and how mine is right now. She could have posted a pic of a designer handbag and it would have had the same effect on me.
I'm having cheese induced Shona Rhimes influenced dreams. It's pretty great. :)
Oh god....I never even thought of that. Sorry for being so unaware.
Are you serious? Why should women HAVE to defend themselves in a social situation? Why should we HAVE to give out a fake number to a guy in case he gets mad at a rejection and could attack you. Why should we HAVE to physically remove mens hands from our bodies when we've made it perfectly clear we don't want it?
I think I actually howled crying when Bailey was comforting Charles. And he was like "Tell her I was brave".....I was gone.
Oh I know all this really.....I'm just PMSing and super emosh after all the sad Greys Anatomy episodes. :P
Just finished the shooting episodes and literally sobbed. They did that so well. I'd seen it before but was still tense as hell!
I can't tell if your trolling or just unbelievably stupid. So I'm just going to ignore you now because you are a ridiculous human being.
Um....how incredibly patronising. I actually don't need "inspiring", I'm just having a crappy day and had a low moment. I really don't need to be condescended about my "life habits" either, which are pretty good thanks.