Not really, in fairness to them. But basically it could have been anyone - it was just a "what am I doing with my life moment". Irrational, I know
Hey I'm Irish too! I was in Diceys when this went down. Won't even go into what I've had said to me in Coppers!
I know....but it kind of just hit me in the gut at how well her life is going.
So this girl I went to college with just posted a instagram pic of her with One Direction. It just kind of bothered me. Mainly because her Dad is a millionaire, bought her an apartment, she got an amazing job straight after college, is tall blonde and has a body like Kate Upton. Meanwhile I am unemployed and eating…
I haaaaaate that word; cocktease. It makes my blood boil.
I think just general manners and politeness would go a long way. Eye contact and smiling - and if it's returned then it's all good! But if's not the end of the world.
I just don't understand how some men have this mindset. I mean....why do they feel so entitled?
90% of the time the are always a good bit older. Just so creepy.
That is so horrible! I seen a friend stand up from our table one night in a bar and some guy within 10 seconds had put his arm around her neck. She just ducked out of it and told him to fuck off. But still. It makes you feel really unsafe.
What part sounds made up?
I was out for my birthday last Saturday night and was out dancing with my friends. Literally in just our little circle dancing away to some cheesy 90's music. Some guy came up behind me and just would not stop groping me. I removed his hands and said 'No' at least 4 times, eventually I just moved to a different part…
I'm glad for you. lol. But I will never forget my first year in college saying I liked him and the looks of total and complete horror I got back. It made me never mention it again.
Listening to John Mayer is my secret shame. No one can know.
Croke Park is pretty good for seeing the stage actually. I was talking to people who were up pretty high and they had a fab time. Our tickets were like €70 - then the premium ones were a bit more expensive.
Irish Rail all the way baby!! BOOM! Had to shift some young ones out of our prebooked seats though.
Fuck it. I'm happy for them. It still kinda shocks me how in love Kanye is with her. Like....he legit seems to have it bad for her. It's nice.
Why thank you! I'm moving to Canada soon so I thought I'd do something cool for them. Booked a super nice hotel, got some good seats, filled them with junkfood. Haha.
Brought my two sisters to One Direction in Croke Park last night. THEY WERE SO GOOD. But now I'm deaf and accidentally slept the entire day so now I'm awake all night.