
I love you Rihanna. I LOVE YOU.

At least when your a Cool Girl you don't have to twirl around in the rain like a complete twat.

Oh totally, I just kind of meant I'm over reading about how great she is. We all know she's great. lol. I just have a hard time with this kind of scary worshipping of certain celebrities like J.Law and Beyonce and even Ryan Gosling. It's like people are mythologising them into these completely perfect beings. It just

Totally. Though the fact that women still have to be put into these little whimsical boxes by men sucks.

HANG ON! I wasn't saying we should stone her to death for being cool and famous. I just meant - I can see the process behind her behaviour now. She's fun, down with doing shots and farting etc. etc. and she likes talking about it in public and making sure we all know about it. And if that's her authentic self then

I just can't look at her the same way after reading that 'cool girl' article that Buzzfeed did. It kind of cleared the haze of 'omg I love her' that I had. I mean...there's no Manic Pixie Dream Girls anymore - it's all about The Cool Girl.

Yeah, i've always liked him. I just wondered about peoples general opinion on him.

Oh I mean, I think so too. But apparently he's a Just what i've heard. Who knows.

What's the general opinion on Jason Segel? I've heard he's shady.

Those dickhead critics are just....dickheads.


My night cheese AND Cheesy Blasters.

Someone needs to make a supercut of Rob Kardashian of saying "working on my fitness".

I love that gif so much I don't care about anything else.

This may be a dumb question but why are Kardashians at NBC upfronts?

High fives to us for dancing it out!

This show started when I was 13/14 and I'm 23 now. I literally grew up watching it and I have to say no matter how much "cool" tv I watch, I always tune in for Greys and ever since I was 14 Cristina Yang has just been one of the coolest people for me to watch.

It's a Victoria Beckham dress. I kinda love it. The back especially.

No no....this will only work with the skirt being short and the top being a bit boxy and covered up. Blake Lively, who is gorgeous, just really likes showing off her frankly amazing breasts in everything. Therefore....this Chanel is cheapened by her love of showing her T & A. (well just T in this case, but she loves