
As a SNL nerd I like it when he has previous cast members on. But he really needs to ease up on the snl references in general. Like....its every single night. Maybe Jimmy Fallon did it too when he first started....I can't remember.

It is however, her fault for picking such an awful script. No amount of wonderous Scottish speaking can erase that. :P

I physically cringed at how bad this looks. Karen Gillans accent is SO bad. What was she thinking?

Jessie J annoys me to so much. Am I the only one who thinks she's a pain in the arse?

I hear ya! All my friends thought Josh Hartnett was the shit and I stuck with Affleck. Even as a young teenager and being horrified at him in the Jenny from the Block video (that was traumatising seeing him slap her ass on that boat)

I care way too much about Ben Affleck.


To be honest, I don't know why I typed "no make up". I was just tapping away and not thinking about it. Just one of those phrases or something that fit with what I was typing. bad on that. I know having no make up on made no difference. It just added to the overall effect in my mind. The book....the

Yeah...I laughed. I mean, it was funny as hell. But he's mentioned that book a ton in interviews. Just a bit of a creepy obsession.

From LaineyGossip - I might be totally off base with it. It just fits for me. I mean...the rumours about this guy aren't exactly well hidden if you know what I mean.

Nah....Lainey said it wasn't him. I thought that too but she shut it down.

oh come on! There are A TON of rumours about him. And there has been for years.

I totally have had the suspicion that B. Coop is a shady as fuck. And my opinion of him dropped even lower when he took his 21 yr old girlfriend to a park in Paris and read Lolita to her while she wore no make-up and overalls and looked about 11.

I was always under the impression that this was a "showmance". Like there are tons of blinds about it. They were great friends, but not 'in love' with one another. I dunno....those rumours were going around for years and it sounded so plausible to be honest.

But you can set specific age ranges on Tinder! So you won't get twenty-something d-bags (like I have to deal with!) wearing questionable hats annoying you. You can have like a 35-45 age range set up and see who pops up. Then swipe away to your hearts content. It's never know you'll meet. Quick and easy.

Thanks! That is a great idea! I mean....whatever I do say to her will probably involve her freaking out at me. She just seems to really really hate him right now and its like...shes my friend so should i support her no matter what she thinks or just tell her my opinion you know? To be honest, her Dad just dropped it

Coming back to your hometown after graduating college is the WORST!

Hmmm....that's a tricky one then. Especially if your moving soon. I may not be the best person to give advice then. I would rather chew off my own arm that have a serious relationship. lol.

Yeah...I think my career keeps me awake at night a lot. I just feel like I'm wasting my life. Ugh....I can just sympathise with you if that helps at all!

Tinder? Like....I'm moving to a different country in a few months too and also have no interest in a bf. I met a guy on there and we both know the score...we have a couple of mutual friends in common (a handy tinder feature btw) so I scoped him out a bit before we went for a drink. It's just like a mutually casual