
I have the feeling all she wants to hear is that she was right in what she said. And I don't think her screaming "Your a freak and you'll never be a woman" as he walked out the door is something I can support. But on the other hand.....I can imagine her shock at hearing it. I just don't know what angle to take.

I got nothing out of them. I'm just at all total loss. Haven't a clue what to do with myself. Stupid Communications degree....a fun time in college....not a fucking chance of work when you leave.

It's my 23rd birthday next friday and I am FREAKING OUT. I just quit my (unpaid) internship and don't know what to do. I am SO confused. You are not alone!

My friends Dad has just told them that he has been living as a woman for the last 4 years (parents are divorced for years) and wants to come to her graduation ceremony as a woman. My friend told him not to come and she was downright bitchy to her dad when they were talking about it. Like "Oh you honestly think you

Fuck it - Ireland are sending Johnny Logan next year! Oh the banter we'll have!

haha just the air quotes usually imply bullshit. like...oh yeah your "girlfriend" from canada.

hmmm.....well I don't feel like anyone I know would target me like that. You would have to be an especially douchey person to do that.

Jon Hamm is so charming it actually hurts my soul a little bit.

I'm 23 and freaking out about this. My snapchats are so mortifying. The guy I am seeing also sends equally eembarrassing ones.

How about for every kick in the balls these guys get I donate $5 to charity?

I had a dream last week that Jon Hamm and Angelina Jolie were in a film together. It was hot.

How does Chrissy Teigen know who Katie Price is? That is random. Unless she's not talking about the UK glamour model/tackiest woman alive.

He seems ok to me. I read that esquire (or gq) profile on him and he seemed normal enough. I think he does pretty hardcore porn right? But I don't think that makes him a sociopath.

Ugh....I hate myself for finding him so attractive. Actually....finding all men like him attractive. What is wrong with me?

Well it was implied that she was like 18 (heading of to university age) and he was in his early twenties. So I didn't think much of it.

Only one thing this guy needs. A big judgemental eyeroll.

Yep that's why Lohan hates JLaw - not the fact that Lohan is a jealous crazy person?

I think I would fear for humanity if Hiddleston and Cumberbatch were in Sherlock together. I mean.....the pandemonium.

I will never not care about who Rachel McAdams is seeing. I don't know why. I just want her to be happy. So weird.