
This actually really pisses me off. We lobbied for the $20, to replace a bad dude who didn’t favor paper currency and would likely have hated being on it. Easy decision, right? Nope. Instead they give us the $10 - a less popular currency - and we have to fucking share it with the dude already on it. Gee. Thanks.

Starred because my husband is actively yelling at a graphics driver in one of his computers and didn’t care about my dramatic reading either.

My husband is a butt & did not appreciate my dramatic reading of this listing as much as he should have.

If they are THAT wealthy, plus have to invite all their super-wealthy friends, then this is just what your wedding (sorry, engagement party) looks like. You also don’t know how much money they give to charity. Looking at this, I hope it’s a LOT to balance out this level of conspicuous consumption.

This song is forever linked with the funeral service of Mo the dead fairy shrimp I grew for my students I taught science to. When Mo was the first to die, my one student insisted we have a funeral for Mo. We shared our favorite memories of him floating in the tank, we lit a memorial candle for him on the Internet, and

(Not a lady, sorry, but I do have a story to share)

That literally gives away no plot points.

The Pennsatucky stuff has been really really hard to watch.

I really want to know why Chang and Leanne ended up in prison. Pennsatucky’s episode was heartbreaking. The expression in her eyes was so dead looking. She’s really an amazing actress.

I call ahead to the restaurant and tell them she’s had a stroke which has changed her personality

“Being the douche I am, I told him a cow was going to fly through it and kill him (again, he was 13).” I don’t know why, but this struck me as hilarious and I laughed til I was in tears. A+++

Went to Gettysburg when I was a kid with my mother, my brother, and my grandmother. My grandmother, who can’t drive for shit, drove the whole way and refused to let my mother take the wheel. So we were treated to her constantly stopping on the goddamn interstate to check and see if she had missed her exit, while cars

1997, my mom a private pilot, my brother and I flew to a family reunion, from Seattle to Helena MT. We get there to find the entire family reunion had be relocated to a remote cabin. With no way to get there we hung out at my uncles house, and by out I mean outside in the yard until the family reunion returned the

Not the WHOLE vacation, just the trip there...

I am in third grade and we are on the way to Disney World. I am stoked. It is my first visit. This is a budget Disney World vacation scrimped and saved for by my middle class, penny pinching parents, so instead of flying we were packed up into the family mini van for two days of driving from the south Texas coast to

We almost never went on vacation when I was a kid, but when I was about 12, my parents decided to pile my identical twin brothers and me into the minivan and drive 10+ hours to Twinsburg, OH for the town’s annual twins festival after seeing it featured on some TV program or another. Imagine attending your typical

Does it count if you didn’t fully realize it was awful?

I was about five years old. My mother decides to load four of us kids in the van and take us from Washington State to California, to go to my mom’s cousin’s wedding. While there, we were also going to visit her siblings and go to Disneyland and all sorts of fun

I’m not sure how much of an outright disaster this is, but it was pretty funny, so I figured I’d share.

6 kids and my parents in a 7 person Toyota van. Driving from Idaho down to California (my dad loooooved the road trips). No a/c in the van, and my siblings and I (ages 3-16) took turns for the “good seat,” which was sitting on the floor by the sliding door, as it had the most leg room.

It’s summer and my dad is presenting at a conference in Hilton Head, SC. I am dragged along, even though it is during my 17th birthday. As a 17 year old I am already pissed at my parents taking me away from my friends, instead of letting me stay at home alone(so I can throw a House Party rager!) The evening of my