
Some less convoluted ways to neutralize Hitler:

What if the result of killing Hitler unleashed a different leader who 1) had a military mind and 2) had his scientists achieve the atom bomb first? What if this new German Empire was just as vicious in its eugenics — which, given the results of the First World War, was something that was bound to happen, that is,

wait, not even shortcuts in Walmart parking lots?

Wow you are such a square! Live a little!

1) Call an ambulance and the cops

Consequentialism is not a great foundation for a moral theory, imo. I mean, it looks good at first glance - kill baby Hitler, you save millions! Definitely the right thing to do. But if killing someone is the right thing to do, if it will save (many?) lives, then we get into some really weird situations. Like, that


I was thinking “Marty Crissman”, but I like your idea better.

Man, he sure showed Starbucks by spending money in their store!

Right on. I love Jesus, but his fan club is sure chock full a assholes.

Nah, someone who thinks flashing a gun at a Starbucks barista is excusable, much less amusing behavior, is so fucking dense that they probably wouldn’t think their friend would be upset, because OMG, SO FUNNY! HE SHIT ON THEIR CHEST! HA HA

Not to mention celebrating it on December 25th...

...because it always snows in Bethlehem in March...

Never mind that the holy Pilgrims hated Christmas too and refused to celebrate it, labeling it a “popish holiday.”

... And I said that where? Do you work in a movie theater? Cuz you're projecting, dude.

These are disposable cups right - so it’s okay for these people to throw away symbols of their faith?

Their clipart license ran out and they said “Ah fuck it. Call it minimalist.”

I love how a certain group of loud-mouthed Christians are also all about guns. Did they forget the part of the Bible where God commanded “Thou shalt not kill?” Or the many parts where Jesus condemned violence?

brags about “pranking” Starbucks by having them write “Merry Christmas” as his name on the cup. He also flashes a gun he brought into the coffee shop