
My little sis is a vegetarian who eats fish and seafood.”

It’s like those same stupid people who says they want a Romeo and Juliet romance.

The source material also said that every step would be agony and as if she was walking on knives.

This is one thing that people are getting at when they talk about being in a “post-truth” moment. Strength of conviction becomes the ultimate criterion for belief, rather than factuality. As a librarian, trying to figure out how to combat this keeps me up at night.

when chemicals were regarded by the public as being perfectly fine”

Palomas are fine, but if your margaritas are heavy, sweet, and slushy you are doing it wrong.

I love the urge that makes people lie about how stuff got up there (or in their vagina or in their urethra or whatever). It’s like, look, you thought it would feel good and you lost your grip. Fine. But they always come in like “I rolled over in bed and an entire set of Power Rangers action figures went up my butt.”

Or caring for the poor, or healing the sick, or feeding the hungry, or turning the other cheek, or loving thy neighbor, or...etc. etc. etc.

Imagine if they got that passionate about the over 2k actual verses in the Bible about helping the poor and the sick over yourself to the point its unreadable if you take them out vs the zero that mention abortion is a sin.

Or about sex education and contraception, which can help prevent the abortions that they hate so much.

Or the myriad other things that also affect the lives of babies and children they claim to care so much about, like parental leave, subsidized childcare, high-quality pre-K, and equitable access to a good education. I could go on forever.

Or about care for babies after they leave the womb and are in the real world with parents that cant afford food, housing ect.

Imagine if they got this passionate about the environment

That whole “I have no skills or talents, nothing to support myself” feeling is a familiar one. Thankfully there are plenty of jobs that require no skills or talents - ain’t no shame in working a cash register.

After a crappy day (and despite a good steak and adult beverage), this story literally makes my Valentine’s Day! I only wish there were pics and a description of injuries. I’m guessing, by the lack of, that they gave him a 'rough ride' but not so rough that it severed his spinal cord. 

That was my response. “Oh, really? That happened?” for a full three second and with full sarcasm. lol

Allow me to post mine then:

Van Dyke has some nice options for the next 6 years:

I clicked the story for the headline. After reading, I prayed to Black baby Jesus one prayer: Please God, let him heal quickly. Let the fist and feet that found him the first time, find him frequently for the rest of his miserable existence. Don’t let him die quickly Lord, let him live with the pain that comes with

Did they yell “stop resisting” while beating him?