
Hollywood already remade Psycho. That’s worth getting upset about, but The Craft? Not so much.

Yeah, I thought of Footloose too! I remember seeing the trailer for the new one and just laughing at how they tried to make it all sexy and grindy and modern.

He is my pretend tv boyfriend.

Yeah, like she said in the article, chances are the remake, if it comes to fruition, will end up fading in obscurity against the original anyway. I definitely will have a “Uhhh, okay. That’s weird that they’re doing that” moment when I read this stuff, but I’m with you in that I don’t lose my shit. Hollywood has

The Godfather? Bite your tongue. They’ll hear you.

Off topic: That man has the most beautiful eyes. ETA: And a really pretty cryface.

They are going to put Shailene Woodley in this, aren’t they?

I was on the other end of your experience. I was actually in a coven when that movie came out, and we all hung out at the local witchy store and I remember lots of vewy sewious discussions about the wrong impressions people would get about witchcraft. Our brows furrowed in anxiety and disapproval when wide-eyed young

This spell's disaster witch-ever way you cast it.

I don’t understand why people lose their shit when it’s announced that Hollywood is remaking another originally mediocre movie. This is the same reaction people had when Total Recall was made, when Robocop was remade, and when it was recently announced that Point Break was was being remade.

If you know a few of the GSCTX leadership, and I do, it’s a veritable who’s-who of liberal-leaning kickass women of amazingness in Texas. They’re the women I strive to be and to become.

Love this official response from Girl Scouts of Central Texas:

You’re right. Let me get back to you after I’ve chatted with a few 11-year-olds.

This whole story makes me want to cry. I have such strong Lady Emotions! Maybe I’m pre-menstrual and will have to take the rest of the week off from work ‘cause my Lady Brain doesn’t work when Aunty Flo is in town.

I thought it said meth and was like “Well, lots of people hate meth?”

Damn, you used math. Now, you'll have to explain to me what this means.

now, now, someone needs to learn the importance of being patient.

There were numbers in the article so I stopped reading before my ladybrain exploded.

What’s this about? I didn’t read it. It had math in the title so I skipped it, but I’m from Austin so I want to know how it impacts me.

Great. Now the city is going to have to spend extra money to control the bear population. I hope you’re all happy.