
You really don’t understand Obama at all do you? Of course he could have just gotten out of jury duty. He showed up, because he wanted to send a message to others that they should, if possible, agree to serve when called for jury duty. His message was, as it almost always is, one of public service. The polar opposite

He was my kid’s first president, too!!! Given our current president, I am so glad she was born then vs. now.

A gal can dream.

People always why I have so few photos from when I travel and my answer is always: A. I suck at photos. B. I’m possible having a “lifetime” experience here and no way am I gonna put a dodgy bit of electronics between me and it.

If only.

I get summoned usually 1x per year around the same time, in the fall. Usually they have me check the website for a few days and I never have to come in to the building because my group is never called, but once I got called and had to listen to the spiel and fill out a questionnaire. It was a rape case and they were

5. Too busy running the deep state.

Same. These people are way too composed! That Angel Martinez was adorable, though. I voted for BHO every time I could (living in IL gave me additional an additional chance), and while is more of a centrist than I am policy-wise, as a President and as a person he means so much to me. I am so grateful the HE was my

I guarantee you, no picture any of these people took is better than a pic they could find online. No one thinks about the experience anymore - only documenting the experience. It makes me crazy when I visit historic landmarks, art galleries, and see live shows.

Rudy Giuliani, former Federal prosecutor and I think Mayor of New York at the time, or shortly thereafter, was called for jury duty and empaneled. Not only did he serve, he was the foreman. The defense attorney screwed up big time.

If we need undocumented immigrants to do jobs American citizens don’t want to do, they should be eligible for jury duty.

I would lose my shit if I showed up to jury duty and Barack was there. Totally lose it. Crying, blubbering, laughing, rambling, just me in my purest form of craziness. And he just looks so damn cool. Goddammit, the man oooozes charm.

I actually want to serve on a jury which is probably why I never get called in. This is also my theory of why I never win the lottery.

All of the above.

The wisdom of Homer can do no wrong.

1.He’s a former Constitutional professor. He’s considered too smart for jury.

I was gonna say just that - I’ve been dismissed from jury duty because all of the defendants that day plead out so there was simply no need for juries. The entire lounge erupted in happiness when they announced that. Contrast that with the next time I was called for jury duty and was juror 32 of 35 on a panel for a

This happened to me as well one time. Another time I showed up, checked in, hunkered down w/ a book for what I thought would be an all-day experience and then, around 10:30am, the judge walked in and said everyone on the docket that day took a plea deal and that none of us were needed.

CBS Chicago says he was picked for a panel that ultimately wasn’t needed.