
I just finally watched Last Tango in Paris last weekend & all your comments above apply. Spoiler alert: it’s ‘important’ & ‘transgressive’... for dudes. It’s same old same old for women.

I’m infuriated by this. I’m so sorry you had to go through what you went through and then to have to endure this b.s. on top of it. Keep strong, and thank you for telling your story.

Mmmmmmeloni... <3

Yeah, no wonder Harry’s always seemed to have really hated his royal duties & the accompanying crap.

Yeah, that’s my point! There’s more to health than just weight. Sorry about your genes. :-(

Didn’t one of the original trainers have a heart attack? And is now doing tv ads for whatever heart medication? How about getting healthy, there, bud? Exhibit A for Skinny <> Healthy and v.v.

Oh holy shit The Swan!! That was fucking train-wreck tv right there. All I really remember is everyone wound up with the same creepy ultra-white Chiclet teeth. Even if their original teeth were fine to begin with.

And UPN/WB. Once they all got decent audience shares they pivoted to shows about whites with angst (Dawson’s Creek, anyone?).

“Marriage, what is it good for?” “Ab-so-lutely nuthin’, huh!”

...and didn’t tell the Hardy Boys. (Would you?)

All the stars to you! BTW, love your screenname!

Huh, I have a new spirit animal.

Yes! It’s nice to have Richmond catching up with us NoVA-ites!

As a Virginian, I say good riddance! Those counties are likely the ones that will suffer, losing all that sweet sweet NoVA income redistribution.

HAHAHAHAHAHA “Bible humpers” OMG that is so much more fitting than thumpers.

Since the IG link broke, here’s a link to see part of it, at least...

This is the only, and correct, comment.

Welp, I regrettably don’t see that monkey-pee picture, but this was a thoroughly enjoyable read, regardless.

Give me Winslet’s dancing here over Hugh Grant’s in Love, Actually any day. And actually, give me The Holiday over Love, Actually every single day & twice on Sunday.

All grown up! “I’m a real boy, now!”