
I loved re-watching this movie on Netflix. It was such a goddamn delight. Pfeiffer and Keaton have so much chemistry. The scene at the masquerade ball is incredible. I like how shocked and saddened they both get when they realize they’re both enemies. That scene holds up great.


Mortal Dictata: a call out

I know its connection to Anthony Bourdain makes it pretty touristy, but definitely go to Au Pied du Cochon. And extra definitely get the foie gras poutine. It’s, like, super awesome and stuff.

I unabashedly love these movies.


My one atomic take: unplugged Layla is better than electric Layla. We love electric Layla for the rightfully-adored solo, but the not-solo parts aren’t special. Unplugged Layla is a much better song overall, and has a pretty good acoustic solo.

Ryan “Chino” Atwood, Ben McKenzie. my O.C. game is still strong.

I want a whole episode of Tommy playing with his battlefield setup.

Scrutinize them until you start to find flaws. Then, once you have a descent set of flaws, you can start telling yourself you can’t deal with that. Not worth the trouble

Excuse me, no. Little Women is Professor Bhaer’s most famous film.

“God’s thumbs!”

Cold chicken bewb slices on English muffins w/ Miracle Whip, BBQ Sauce, Dill Slices and Cheddar

How do you not like sauerkraut?! Like seriously. As a woman of Slovenian descent, I am appalled. Visiting Ljubljana, you will be greeted by a town square farmers market where a different variation of cabbage - pickled and not - is sold at every booth. It was fucking heaven. What the hell do you put on your sausage if

Now playing

Ditto. I choose to believe that the role that most captures her in real life is Loretta from Drop Dead Gorgeous.

Ill watch anything with Allison Janney.

Well, there’s certainly potential for misinterpreting the data - Netflix’s business model is genuinely different than a cable network’s. And I’m sure the Netflix tells content producers “hey, this isn’t performing the way we would like, this is what we need to see to do another season.” But I doubt they share anything

The lipgloss is the only thing i’ve bought so far, and I LOVE it. I haven’t worn lipgloss in more than a decade. Too sticky, no staying power, etc. But this stuff is legit. It’s basically the color of my lips but shiny! It’s subtle enough for work (I’m a lawyer), but it feels fun. It pretty much stays on until I eat

It is worth invading Earth to see the end of an episode, according to Lrrr from the Planet Omicron Persei 8.

*looks at piles and piles of makeup and skincare in bedroom and bathroom*