
Why can’t Jezebel fix these slideshows so we can see the whole look without scrolling. You can either see the head or the feet, but not both. Seems pretty obvious that the photos need to be resized. 

I love ajvar! The first time I had it was on cevapi at a street festival. I’ll get a jar (preferrably spicy) if I see it at a grocery store or will make my own if I have an eggplant and not sure what to do with it. I use it as a spread on toasted fresh cheese sandwiches.

The way “Obsession” gets played on radio in Canada, you would think station programmers thought the song was Can-Con because of it being on FT.

“If you thought that turn on Game of Thrones felt rushed, surprising, or like it came out of haven’t been paying attention.”

What if Jon’s purpose was simply to lure Arya to the North? That was why she initially started traveling North, and why she kept trying to get back to Winterfell... to be reunited with Jon. What if Jon is not a hero, but is a facilitator for the women of the show (Arya, Daenerys, Sansa) to become the heroes they are

Imagine using the intermission to present a retrospective of the last 10 years of the MCU.  Perhaps a compilation of the theme music from all of the films.   

I’m not gonna lie, that hat is incredible.

Every single person highlighted as an “influencer” or adjacent to such in this article sounds thoroughly terrible.

Nah, he is clearly in trademark violation and will definitely lose this case. Trademark is not just the name, it’s the whole look, and the area of business they operate in. If a reasonable person could confuse Fenty Entertainment with Rihanna’s Fenty, then he’s in violation if he does not own any trademarks. Good

I just...what?

Long story: I used to work at Walt Disney World. We had this college program where national and international students could “learn” at Walt Disney World by, well, working the worst jobs at minimum wage, and also taking some seminars on management or something. It was a bad and terrible job and I was in abject poverty

So this then is the Sip of Theseus.

“The bean counters told me we literally could not afford to buy seven dollars worth of moon rocks, much less seventy million. Bought ‘em anyway. Ground ‘em up, mixed em into a gel. And guess what? Ground up moon rocks are pure poison. I am deathly ill. Still, it turns out they’re a great portal conductor. So now we’re

Buy many peanuts, of course!

The way I see it, the ultimate goal of this show isn’t just to figure out if these four “bad” people can be “good” people, it’s to re-establish the entire Good Place/Bad Place dynamic. And so if all Michael wants to do is to prove that the four of them can be good under the right Earthly circumstances, yeah, this is

You started by writing about nothing. As someone who has worked/studied/struggled for their writing for over 20 years, shit like this makes my blood boil.

Is BoJack Horseman going to be okay?”

I use mayo instead of oil in everything I bake. It leaves a rich buttery flavor.

This happened at my Kroger (which is actually in Kentucky), and I must have missed her by about an hour. I don’t have a baby anymore, but I’d have been up there with a Sharpie and my Alias boxed set if I had known in advance :D