
All because they refuse to just accept the uncertain human condition and die (at least without the promise of love/companionship). That in and of itself is kinda the epitome of selfishness and cowardice.

It's oddly the most offensive thing about him to me right now considering they are low on my list of priorities here. She comes off as desperate and delusional. He comes off as the standard just-isn't-that-into-it prick. It's sad. He can do devotion better than that. And she deserves better than that. Like many things

I actually enjoy Cade's blasé attitude. To me it makes sense that this powerful guy who has been around forever and hates everyone because he understands how much they suck could just barely be bothered with it all. Why even go to the effort to kill them, they destroy themselves fine. He can barely take them seriously

It's not over til it's over!

Yeah I'm trying to block it out but burning Enzo's corpse was hella rude. (Though also I got it because his corpse was kinda starting to creep me out though I lurve him.)

Yes I want to know what happens to the bodies!! And how do the resurrected souls become bodies again, as most of them have at some point?!

Okay I checked… yeah his uncle was sirened in VA in 1892 in the Armory flashback. So you're right, this would have been too soon.

The sirens def mentioned Enzo's uncle (Dalton) in an ep or two, if I am not mistaken. Who got to Virginia at some point. They were imprisoned in the vault of the Armory that belonged to him, no? Or did that all happen later that he released them, got possessed and then a different Bennett imprisoned them again? I

Still processing. Not sure if I disliked this episode because I'm still disappointed with how my faves' fates are playing out or because it was a bad episode. I missed the beginning but my major takeaways:

Honest #tvdracerelations question I am a little embarrassed to ask. The show leaves Enzo pretty roots unknown, ambiguously European I guess, but the women who play his distant cousins are sort of randomly ethnic, yes? Notwithstanding his coloring in this week's death scene (hahawaaaaah) do you consider Enzo a "white"

I think everyone caught that! I've seen it mentioned a lot (I guess elsewhere). Definitely something going on there a la Cade.

I think I saw a confirmation he will be back in the finale.

I think that the self-awareness the show's been demonstrating about Bonnie's treatment is a good sign…for her going apeshit and, hopefully, doing what she needs to do to get the life she always wanted - including Enzo - even if that requires magic with a nasty side effect for others. Not necessarily the position I'd

"Not allowed to be taken seriously"? GTFOHWTBS. lol


Well if the current situation is to be believed, Damon can't have his happy ending without the sacrifice, willing or whatever, of Stefan, right?

I was wondering if Caroline was working at the bar, too!


I was MAD. Then sad.

I thought he did have a bracelet and Stefan took it?