
Don't feel bad, Dr. Jacoby - I agree, it was a very sweet scene against all odds…I don't dislike either of them on their own, besides resenting them for being dull and half-present, but here they both managed to do the sorts of things that make them charming, together and at the same time! (Broken clocks, etc, etc.)

Yeah…self-servingly contradictory "standards" among shipper types never cease to astound. Ick.


I think he has a very good chance of being among the mid-season dead.

They were definitely testing her for something. Flirtation with Matt, flirtation with Enzo (which ultimately just enabled his backstory/turning flashbacks featuring Lily) but her stuff was pretty flat.

Sad, but, of course, totally true. I'm not actually convinced this show (or whoever you want to assign agency over it) doesn't hate ALL its women on some level*.

Right on. I also wrinkled my nose at the breathless accounts to Elena of moving in with Stefan.

Caroline doesn't work as a lead. She barely works as a supporting role at this point. Bonnie, on the other hand…

It worked for me. Simple. Gave me enough to chew on in terms of references and possibilities.

Very good assessment. Agree on the A- for the dream team.

I think she's the entry point to the big bad…hopefully. the Devil would be good, maybe. Whatever's in charge of wherever Katherine went…

As @disqus_oAauzCbbvV:disqus points out…I feel bad about how distracting/amusing I find it that a vampire character is aging so visibly. Not saying he's not still a totally handsome and charming guy, but he's not supposed to be aging…and he sure is.

This caught me, too. All I could rationalize was that the creepy demon moved it there as a lure? Who knows.

Well. It was all right. Ish.


Right..but the people with the goggles are awfully loud. Some of the dialogue felt like enough of a middle finger to those folks that it took me out of the moment. There was a line on the porch, Damon said something to the effect of "Look how much history we have, the depth of feeling between us."? To me, it felt like

They did tie her up with ropes, but it was pointless, she was strong and busted out. That was my first thought when I saw them…good luck with that.

For some reason, I really like Enzo & Matt's scenes together. They are few and far between anymore but I loved that one back in the bar before Matt sic'd the Armory on Enzo that first time.

That felt like an intentional Buffy tribute for sure.

I think they wanted to make it very clear that's their intention (keeping Bonnie & Damon platonic). I loved that they did, and I love their relationship. Those scenes were really good, and needed. Still, you never know with this show.