Of course the Trump voters they found in Pennsylvania are also Cowboys fans. They really know how to fucking pick ‘em.
Of course the Trump voters they found in Pennsylvania are also Cowboys fans. They really know how to fucking pick ‘em.
King writes a damn good 84% of a novel. The rest is always iffy. And keep your fingers crossed for an ending that doesn’t make you wanna casually knock the book into the “donate” pile.
The cocaine is a perfect aid to staying awake through a Lana Del Rey set.
This. I was just thinking the glue that ties all these shitheads together is the resentment of the very existence of women outside the home. These shitty ideas are spreading everywhere- even in more gender equal West Africa. :-(
Could we get an edit on that headline and remove the word “captured”? She was a young girl, not an escaped convict or an animal that needed to be picked up somewhere. She was not captured. She was abducted. She was kidnapped and murdered.
Chuck Tingle should be writing this book any minute now
Ok Ashley
Honestly, this song is my summer jam. I know there are problems with both the song and the video but I like the message- I’m so sick of hearing men say “you’re not like most girls” and meaning it as a compliment. What the hell is wrong with most girls? Women are fabulous and I’m not in competition with them.
It may be generalized as all heck, but if my 7 and 8 year old are humming it this summer I’m cool with it. I wish “crushing sexist bullshit 101" wasn’t a class I needed to teach them at their age, but it is. Having catchy simple pop-tunes back me up on the radio (is this on the radio right now? I’m old I don’t know.)…
I’m good with not knowing.
Also, despite what the media makes you believe, attorneys do not know a terrible amount of citations off the top of their heads, it is asinine to lecture her about not knowing the cite instead of just reading it to her.
YES that false equivalent shit. Drove me bananas after the election -- maybe we need to sit and listen to trump supporters, find out what they’re feeling and what they’re really angry about. BITCHES VOTED FOR A RACIST I THINK I KNOW WHAT THEY’RE FEELING JUST FINE.
“the live sports I need to.” Profiles in Courage
This really does seem like the only logical thing to do. That or just give them horrible venues and shitty times, like 7:30 AM in a study room.
The Social Justice Warrior is largely a construct (a myth not a mister) of the anti-movements so they can have yet another “feminine” to rage against. I have no energy for these people.
You have a Stupid airline SLUT!!!!appearance
I've always understood "homewrecker" applied not to women who could steal your man, but to women who have done it. It's not normally used before the action has taken place.